Forecasting With Exogenous Regressors

Consider a multivariate time series \(X^{(1)}, \ldots, X^{(t)}\), where each \(X^{(i)} \in \mathbb{R}^d\) is a d-dimensional vector. In multivariate forecasting, our goal is to predict the future values of the k’th univariate \(X_k^{(t+1)}, \ldots, X_k^{(t+h)}\).

Exogenous regressors \(Y^{(i)}\) are a set of additional variables whose values we know a priori. The task of forecasting with exogenous regressors is to predict our target univariate \(X_k^{(t+1)}, \ldots, X_k^{(t+h)}\), conditioned on - The past values of the time series \(X^{(1)}, \ldots, X^{(t)}\) - The past values of the exogenous regressors \(Y^{(1)}, \ldots, Y^{(t)}\) - The future values of the exogenous regressors \(Y^{(t+1)}, \ldots, Y^{(t+h)}\)

For example, one can consider the task of predicting the sales of a specific item at a store. Endogenous variables \(X^{(i)} \in \mathbb{R}^4\) may contain the number of units sold (the target univariate), the temperature outside, the consumer price index, and the current unemployemnt rate. Exogenous variables \(Y^{(i)} \in \mathbb{R}^6\) are variables that the store has control over or prior knowledge of. They may include whether a particular day is a holiday, and various information about the sort of markdowns the store is running.

To be more concrete, let’s show this with some real data.

# This is the same dataset used in the custom dataset tutorial
import os
from ts_datasets.forecast import CustomDataset
csv = os.path.join("..", "..", "data", "walmart", "walmart_mini.csv")
dataset = CustomDataset(rootdir=csv, index_cols=["Store", "Dept"], test_frac=0.10)
ts, md = dataset[0]
Weekly_Sales Temperature Fuel_Price MarkDown1 MarkDown2 MarkDown3 MarkDown4 MarkDown5 CPI Unemployment IsHoliday
2010-02-05 24924.50 42.31 2.572 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 211.096358 8.106 False
2010-02-12 46039.49 38.51 2.548 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 211.242170 8.106 True
2010-02-19 41595.55 39.93 2.514 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 211.289143 8.106 False
2010-02-26 19403.54 46.63 2.561 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 211.319643 8.106 False
2010-03-05 21827.90 46.50 2.625 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 211.350143 8.106 False
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2012-09-28 18947.81 76.08 3.666 3666.27 7.64 1.65 1417.96 4744.28 222.981658 6.908 False
2012-10-05 21904.47 68.55 3.617 8077.89 NaN 18.22 3617.43 3626.14 223.181477 6.573 False
2012-10-12 22764.01 62.99 3.601 2086.18 NaN 8.11 602.36 5926.45 223.381296 6.573 False
2012-10-19 24185.27 67.97 3.594 950.33 NaN 4.93 80.25 2312.85 223.425723 6.573 False
2012-10-26 27390.81 69.16 3.506 2585.85 31.75 6.00 1057.16 1305.01 223.444251 6.573 False

143 rows × 11 columns

from merlion.utils import TimeSeries

# Get the endogenous variables X and split them into train & test
endog = ts[["Weekly_Sales", "Temperature", "CPI", "Unemployment"]]
train = TimeSeries.from_pd(endog[md.trainval])
test = TimeSeries.from_pd(endog[~md.trainval])

# Get the exogenous variables Y
exog = TimeSeries.from_pd(ts[["IsHoliday", "MarkDown1", "MarkDown2", "MarkDown3", "MarkDown4", "MarkDown5"]])

Here, our task is to predict the weekly sales. We would like our model to also account for variables which may have an impact on consumer demand (i.e. temperature, consumer price index, and unemployment), as knowledge of these variables could improve the quality of our sales forecast. This would be a multivariate forecasting problem, covered here.

In principle, we could add markdowns and holidays to the multivariate model. However, as a retailer, we know a priori which days are holidays, and we ourselves control the markdowns. In many cases, we can get better forecasts by providing the future values of these variables in addition to the past values. Moreover, we may wish to model how changing the future markdowns would change the future sales. This is why we should model these variables as exogenous regressors instead.

All Merlion forecasters support an API which accepts exogenous regressors at both training and inference time, though only some models actually support the feature. Using the feature is as easy as specifying an optional argument exog_data to both train() and forecast(). We show how to use the feature for the popular Prophet model below, and demonstrate that adding exogenous regressors can improve the quality of the forecast.

from merlion.evaluate.forecast import ForecastMetric
from merlion.models.forecast.prophet import Prophet, ProphetConfig

# Train a model without exogenous data
model = Prophet(ProphetConfig(target_seq_index=0))
pred, err = model.forecast(test.time_stamps)
smape = ForecastMetric.sMAPE.value(test, pred, target_seq_index=model.target_seq_index)
print(f"sMAPE (w/o exog) = {smape:.2f}")

# Train a model with exogenous data
exog_model = Prophet(ProphetConfig(target_seq_index=0))
exog_model.train(train, exog_data=exog)
exog_pred, exog_err = exog_model.forecast(test.time_stamps, exog_data=exog)
exog_smape = ForecastMetric.sMAPE.value(test, exog_pred, target_seq_index=exog_model.target_seq_index)
print(f"sMAPE (w/ exog)  = {exog_smape:.2f}")
12:31:47 - cmdstanpy - INFO - Chain [1] start processing
12:31:47 - cmdstanpy - INFO - Chain [1] done processing
12:31:48 - cmdstanpy - INFO - Chain [1] start processing
12:31:48 - cmdstanpy - INFO - Chain [1] done processing
sMAPE (w/o exog) = 8.21
sMAPE (w/ exog)  = 7.67

Before we wrap up this tutorial, we note that the exogenous variables contain a lot of missing data:

IsHoliday MarkDown1 MarkDown2 MarkDown3 MarkDown4 MarkDown5
2010-02-05 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2010-02-12 1.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2010-02-19 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2010-02-26 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2010-03-05 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2012-09-28 0.0 3666.27 7.64 1.65 1417.96 4744.28
2012-10-05 0.0 8077.89 NaN 18.22 3617.43 3626.14
2012-10-12 0.0 2086.18 NaN 8.11 602.36 5926.45
2012-10-19 0.0 950.33 NaN 4.93 80.25 2312.85
2012-10-26 0.0 2585.85 31.75 6.00 1057.16 1305.01

143 rows × 6 columns

Behind the scenes, Merlion models will apply an optional exog_transform to the exogenous variables, and they will then resample the exogenous variables to the same timestamps as the endogenous variables. This resampling is achieved using the exog_missing_value_policy and exog_aggregation_policy, which can be specified in the config of any model which accepts exogenous regressors. We can see the default values for each of these parameters by inspecting the config:

print(f"Default exog_transform:            {exog_model.config.exog_transform}")
print(f"Default exog_missing_value_policy: {exog_model.config.exog_missing_value_policy}")
print(f"Default exog_aggregation_policy:   {exog_model.config.exog_aggregation_policy}")
Default exog_transform:            Identity()
Default exog_missing_value_policy: MissingValuePolicy.ZFill
Default exog_aggregation_policy:   AggregationPolicy.Mean

So in this case, we first apply the identity transform to the exogenous data. Then, we impute missing values by filling them with zeros (ZFill), and we downsample the exogenous data by taking the Mean of any relevant windows.