merlion.post_process package

This package implements some simple rules to post-process the output of an anomaly detection model. This includes rules for reshaping a sequence to follow a standard normal distribution (merlion.post_process.calibrate), sparsifying a sequence based on a threshold (merlion.post_process.threshold), and composing together sequences of post-processing rules (merlion.post_process.sequence).


Base class for post-processing rules in Merlion.


Contains the PostRuleFactory.


Class to compose a sequence of post-rules into a single post-rule.


Post-rule to transform anomaly scores to follow a standard normal distribution.


Rules that use a threshold to sparsify a sequence of anomaly scores.


merlion.post_process.base module

Base class for post-processing rules in Merlion.

class merlion.post_process.base.PostRuleBase

Bases: object

Base class for post-processing rules in Merlion. These objects are primarily for post-processing the sequence of anomaly scores returned by anomaly detection models. All post-rules are callable objects, and they have a train() method which may accept additional implementation-specific keyword arguments.

classmethod from_dict(state_dict)
abstract train(anomaly_scores)

merlion.post_process.factory module

Contains the PostRuleFactory.

class merlion.post_process.factory.PostRuleFactory

Bases: object

classmethod get_post_rule_class(name)
Return type


classmethod create(name, **kwargs)

Uses the given kwargs to create a post-rule of the given name

Return type


merlion.post_process.sequence module

Class to compose a sequence of post-rules into a single post-rule.

class merlion.post_process.sequence.PostRuleSequence(post_rules)

Bases: PostRuleBase

train(anomaly_scores, **kwargs)
Return type


classmethod from_dict(state_dict)

merlion.post_process.calibrate module

Post-rule to transform anomaly scores to follow a standard normal distribution.

class merlion.post_process.calibrate.AnomScoreCalibrator(max_score, abs_score=True, anchors=None)

Bases: PostRuleBase

Learns a monotone function which reshapes an input sequence of anomaly scores, to follow a standard normal distribution. This makes the anomaly scores from many diverse models interpretable as z-scores.

  • max_score (float) – the maximum possible uncalibrated score

  • abs_score (bool) – whether to consider the absolute values of the anomaly scores, rather than the raw value.

  • anchors (Optional[List[Tuple[float, float]]]) – a sequence of (x, y) pairs mapping an uncalibrated anomaly score to a calibrated anomaly score. Optional, as this will be set by AnomScoreCalibrator.train.

property anchors
train(anomaly_scores, retrain_calibrator=False)
  • anomaly_scores (TimeSeries) – TimeSeries of raw anomaly scores that we will use to train the calibrator.

  • retrain_calibrator – Whether to re-train the calibrator on a new sequence of anomaly scores, if it has already been trained once. In practice, we find better results if this is False.

Return type


merlion.post_process.threshold module

Rules that use a threshold to sparsify a sequence of anomaly scores.

class merlion.post_process.threshold.Threshold(alm_threshold=None, abs_score=True)

Bases: PostRuleBase

Zeroes all anomaly scores whose absolute value is less than the threshold.

  • alm_threshold (Optional[float]) – Float describing the anomaly threshold.

  • abs_score – If ‘True’, consider the absolute value instead of the raw value of score.

class TSADMetric(value)

Bases: Enum

Enumeration of evaluation metrics for time series anomaly detection. For each value, the name is the metric, and the value is a partial function of form f(ground_truth, predicted, **kwargs)

MeanTimeToDetect = functools.partial(<function accumulate_tsad_score>, metric=<function TSADScoreAccumulator.mean_time_to_detect>)
F1 = functools.partial(<function accumulate_tsad_score>, metric=functools.partial(<function TSADScoreAccumulator.f1>, score_type=<ScoreType.RevisedPointAdjusted: 2>))
Precision = functools.partial(<function accumulate_tsad_score>, metric=functools.partial(<function TSADScoreAccumulator.precision>, score_type=<ScoreType.RevisedPointAdjusted: 2>))
Recall = functools.partial(<function accumulate_tsad_score>, metric=functools.partial(<function TSADScoreAccumulator.recall>, score_type=<ScoreType.RevisedPointAdjusted: 2>))
PointwiseF1 = functools.partial(<function accumulate_tsad_score>, metric=functools.partial(<function TSADScoreAccumulator.f1>, score_type=<ScoreType.Pointwise: 0>))
PointwisePrecision = functools.partial(<function accumulate_tsad_score>, metric=functools.partial(<function TSADScoreAccumulator.precision>, score_type=<ScoreType.Pointwise: 0>))
PointwiseRecall = functools.partial(<function accumulate_tsad_score>, metric=functools.partial(<function TSADScoreAccumulator.recall>, score_type=<ScoreType.Pointwise: 0>))
PointAdjustedF1 = functools.partial(<function accumulate_tsad_score>, metric=functools.partial(<function TSADScoreAccumulator.f1>, score_type=<ScoreType.PointAdjusted: 1>))
PointAdjustedPrecision = functools.partial(<function accumulate_tsad_score>, metric=functools.partial(<function TSADScoreAccumulator.precision>, score_type=<ScoreType.PointAdjusted: 1>))
PointAdjustedRecall = functools.partial(<function accumulate_tsad_score>, metric=functools.partial(<function TSADScoreAccumulator.recall>, score_type=<ScoreType.PointAdjusted: 1>))
NABScore = functools.partial(<function accumulate_tsad_score>, metric=<function TSADScoreAccumulator.nab_score>)
NABScoreLowFN = functools.partial(<function accumulate_tsad_score>, metric=functools.partial(<function TSADScoreAccumulator.nab_score>, fn_weight=2.0))
NABScoreLowFP = functools.partial(<function accumulate_tsad_score>, metric=functools.partial(<function TSADScoreAccumulator.nab_score>, fp_weight=0.22))
F2 = functools.partial(<function accumulate_tsad_score>, metric=functools.partial(<function TSADScoreAccumulator.f_beta>, score_type=<ScoreType.RevisedPointAdjusted: 2>, beta=2.0))
F5 = functools.partial(<function accumulate_tsad_score>, metric=functools.partial(<function TSADScoreAccumulator.f_beta>, score_type=<ScoreType.RevisedPointAdjusted: 2>, beta=5.0))
train(anomaly_scores, anomaly_labels=None, metric=None, unsup_quantile=None, max_early_sec=None, max_delay_sec=None, min_allowed_score=None)

If metric is available, generates candidate percentiles: [80, 90, 95, 98, 99, 99.5, 99.9]. Also considers the user-specified candidate percentile in unsup_quantile. Chooses the best percentile based on metric.

If metric is not provided, uses unsup_quantile to choose the threshold. Otherwise, uses the default threshold specified in alm_threshold.

  • anomaly_scores (TimeSeries) – TimeSeries of anomaly scores returned by the model.

  • anomaly_labels (Optional[TimeSeries]) – TimeSeries of ground truth anomaly labels.

  • metric (Optional[TSADMetric]) – Metric used to evaluate the performance of candidate thresholds.

  • unsup_quantile (Optional[float]) – User-specified quantile to use as a candidate.

  • max_early_sec – Maximum allowed lead time (in seconds) from a detection to the start of an anomaly.

  • max_delay_sec – Maximum allowed delay (in seconds) from the start of an anomaly and a valid detection.

  • min_allowed_score – The minimum allowed value of the evaluation metric. If the best candidate threshold achieves a lower value of the metric, we retain with the current (default) threshold.

Return type


class merlion.post_process.threshold.AggregateAlarms(alm_threshold=None, abs_score=True, min_alm_in_window=2, alm_window_minutes=60, alm_suppress_minutes=120)

Bases: Threshold

Applies basic post-filtering to a time series of anomaly scores

  1. Determine which points are anomalies by comparing the absolute value of their anomaly score to alm_threshold

  2. Only fire an alarm when min_alm_in_window of points (within a window of alarm_window_minutes minutes) are labeled as anomalies.

  3. If there is an alarm, then all alarms for the next alm_suppress_minutes minutes will be suppressed.

Return a time series of filtered anomaly scores, where the only non-zero values are the anomaly scores which were marked as alarms (and not suppressed).

  • alm_threshold (Optional[float]) – Float describing the anomaly threshold.

  • abs_score – If ‘True’, consider the absolute value instead of the raw value of score.


alias of Threshold

property alm_threshold
property abs_score
property window_secs
property suppress_secs
Return type


train(anomaly_scores, anomaly_labels=None, metric=None, unsup_quantile=None, max_early_sec=None, max_delay_sec=None, min_allowed_score=None)

If metric is available, generates candidate percentiles: [80, 90, 95, 98, 99, 99.5, 99.9]. Also considers the user-specified candidate percentile in unsup_quantile. Chooses the best percentile based on metric.

If metric is not provided, uses unsup_quantile to choose the threshold. Otherwise, uses the default threshold specified in alm_threshold.

  • anomaly_scores (TimeSeries) – TimeSeries of anomaly scores returned by the model.

  • anomaly_labels (Optional[TimeSeries]) – TimeSeries of ground truth anomaly labels.

  • metric (Optional[TSADMetric]) – Metric used to evaluate the performance of candidate thresholds.

  • unsup_quantile (Optional[float]) – User-specified quantile to use as a candidate.

  • max_early_sec – Maximum allowed lead time (in seconds) from a detection to the start of an anomaly.

  • max_delay_sec – Maximum allowed delay (in seconds) from the start of an anomaly and a valid detection.

  • min_allowed_score – The minimum allowed value of the evaluation metric. If the best candidate threshold achieves a lower value of the metric, we retain with the current (default) threshold.

Return type


merlion.post_process.threshold.get_adaptive_thres(x, hist_gap_thres=None, bin_sz=None)

Look for gaps in the histogram of anomaly scores (i.e. histogram bins with zero items inside them). Set the detection threshold to the avg bin size s.t. the 2 bins have a gap of hist_gap_thres or more

class merlion.post_process.threshold.AdaptiveThreshold(alm_threshold=None, abs_score=True, bin_sz=10, default_hist_gap_thres=1.2)

Bases: Threshold

Zeroes all anomaly scores whose absolute value is less than the threshold.

  • alm_threshold (Optional[float]) – Float describing the anomaly threshold.

  • abs_score – If ‘True’, consider the absolute value instead of the raw value of score.

train(anomaly_scores, anomaly_labels=None, metric=None, unsup_quantile=None, max_early_sec=None, max_delay_sec=None, min_allowed_score=None)

If metric is available, generates candidate percentiles: [80, 90, 95, 98, 99, 99.5, 99.9]. Also considers the user-specified candidate percentile in unsup_quantile. Chooses the best percentile based on metric.

If metric is not provided, uses unsup_quantile to choose the threshold. Otherwise, uses the default threshold specified in alm_threshold.

  • anomaly_scores (TimeSeries) – TimeSeries of anomaly scores returned by the model.

  • anomaly_labels (Optional[TimeSeries]) – TimeSeries of ground truth anomaly labels.

  • metric (Optional[TSADMetric]) – Metric used to evaluate the performance of candidate thresholds.

  • unsup_quantile (Optional[float]) – User-specified quantile to use as a candidate.

  • max_early_sec – Maximum allowed lead time (in seconds) from a detection to the start of an anomaly.

  • max_delay_sec – Maximum allowed delay (in seconds) from the start of an anomaly and a valid detection.

  • min_allowed_score – The minimum allowed value of the evaluation metric. If the best candidate threshold achieves a lower value of the metric, we retain with the current (default) threshold.

Return type


class merlion.post_process.threshold.AdaptiveAggregateAlarms(alm_threshold=None, abs_score=True, min_alm_in_window=2, alm_window_minutes=60, alm_suppress_minutes=120, bin_sz=10, default_hist_gap_thres=1.2)

Bases: AggregateAlarms

Applies basic post-filtering to a time series of anomaly scores

  1. Determine which points are anomalies by comparing the absolute value of their anomaly score to alm_threshold

  2. Only fire an alarm when min_alm_in_window of points (within a window of alarm_window_minutes minutes) are labeled as anomalies.

  3. If there is an alarm, then all alarms for the next alm_suppress_minutes minutes will be suppressed.

Return a time series of filtered anomaly scores, where the only non-zero values are the anomaly scores which were marked as alarms (and not suppressed).

  • alm_threshold (Optional[float]) – Float describing the anomaly threshold.

  • abs_score – If ‘True’, consider the absolute value instead of the raw value of score.


alias of AdaptiveThreshold

property bin_sz
property default_hist_gap_thres