
Run Simple Time-series Anomaly Detection Application

You can also use LogAI in more programtic ways. LogAI supports configuration files in .json or .yaml. Below is a sample log_anomaly_detection_config.json configuration for anomaly detection application. Make sure to set filepath to the target log dataset file path.

   "open_set_data_loader_config": {
     "dataset_name": "HDFS",
     "filepath": ""
   "preprocessor_config": {
   "log_parser_config": {
     "parsing_algorithm": "drain",
     "parsing_algo_params": {
       "sim_th": 0.5,
       "depth": 5
   "feature_extractor_config": {
       "group_by_category": ["Level"],
       "group_by_time": "1s"
   "log_vectorizer_config": {
       "algo_name": "word2vec"
   "categorical_encoder_config": {
       "name": "label_encoder"
   "anomaly_detection_config": {
       "algo_name": "one_class_svm"

Then to run log anomaly detection. You can simple create below python script:

import json

from logai.applications.application_interfaces import WorkFlowConfig
from logai.applications.log_anomaly_detection import LogAnomalyDetection

# path to json configuration file
json_config = "./log_anomaly_detection_config.json"

# Create log anomaly detection application workflow configuration
config = json.loads(json_config)
workflow_config = WorkFlowConfig.from_dict(config)

# Create LogAnomalyDetection Application for given workflow_config
app = LogAnomalyDetection(workflow_config)

# Execute App

Then you can check anomaly detection results by calling app.anomaly_results. To run this example, you can check the jupyter notebook example on Github.