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AbstractAtRuleMember - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule
Base class for AtRuleMembers.
AbstractAtRuleMember() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AbstractAtRuleMember
Creates a new instance with no line or number specified (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
AbstractAtRuleMember(int, int) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AbstractAtRuleMember
Creates a new instance with the given line and column numbers.
AbstractBroadcaster - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast
Base Broadcaster class.
AbstractBroadcaster() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.AbstractBroadcaster
AbstractGroupable<P,T extends Groupable<P,T>> - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection
Base class for Groupables.
AbstractGroupable() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.AbstractGroupable
Creates a new instance with no line or number specified (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
AbstractGroupable(int, int) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.AbstractGroupable
Creates a new instance with the given line and column numbers.
AbstractSelectorPart - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector
Base class for SelectorParts.
AbstractSelectorPart() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.AbstractSelectorPart
Creates a new instance with no line or number specified (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
AbstractSelectorPart(int, int) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.AbstractSelectorPart
Creates a new instance with the given line and column numbers.
AbstractSyntax - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast
Base class for Syntax units.
AbstractSyntax() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
Creates a new instance with no line or number specified (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
AbstractSyntax(int, int) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
Creates a new instance with the given line and column numbers.
AbstractTerm - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration
Base class for Terms.
AbstractTerm() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.AbstractTerm
Creates a new instance with no line or number specified (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
AbstractTerm(int, int) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.AbstractTerm
Creates a new instance with the given line and column numbers.
Action<T> - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.util
An action that can be applied to instances of specified type.
Actions - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.util
Collection of common Actions.
ActionWithSubject<T> - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.util
An action that can be applied to instances of specified type with respect to a subject instance.
add(String, Object) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.As
Adds a member to this toString representation.
add(String, Iterable<?>) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.As
Adds a member to this toString representation.
addCustomWriter(Class<T>, CustomWriter<T>) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Overrides the writing of a unit with the given CustomWriter instance.
addIf(boolean, String, Object) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.As
Same as As.add(String, Object), except it will only add the member if the given condition is true.
addTrueConditions(String...) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsConfig
Adds the given strings to the trueConditions set.
addTrueConditions(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsConfig
Adds the given strings to the trueConditions set.
addUnlessEmpty(String, Iterable<?>) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.As
Same as As.add(String, Iterable), except it will only add the member if the iterable is not empty.
adjacent() - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Combinator
Creates a new adjacent sibling Combinator ("+").
adjoining(SelectorPart) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Gets the non-combinator SelectorParts contiguous to this one.
all() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.QueryableBroadcaster
Retrieves all broadcasted events.
all() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.QueuingBroadcaster
Gets a a view of all items in the queue.
all(Browser) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Support all versions of the given Browser.
allSupportedVersions(Browser) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Gets all supported versions of the given Browser.
anchorColumn() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Gets the original column of this Source within the original source.
anchorLine() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Gets the original line of this Source within the original source.
annotate(CssAnnotation) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
annotate(CssAnnotation) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
Appends the given CssAnnotation to this unit.
annotateUnlessPresent(CssAnnotation) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
annotateUnlessPresent(CssAnnotation) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
Same as Syntax.annotate(CssAnnotation), except only if Syntax.hasAnnotation(CssAnnotation) is false for the given annotation.
annotation(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
annotation(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Comment
Gets the CssAnnotation with the given name, if there is one.
annotation() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Comment
Gets the CssAnnotation within this comment, if there is one.
annotation(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Rule
annotation(String) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
Gets the CssAnnotation with the given name from the comments associated with this unit, if there is one.
ANNOTATION_EXCLUSIVE - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
annotations() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
annotations() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Rule
annotations() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
Gets all CssAnnotations from the comments associated with this unit.
append(T) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.AbstractGroupable
append(T) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.Groupable
Appends the given unit after this one.
append(T) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
append(T) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Appends the specified unit to the end of this collection.
append(PropertyValueMember) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValue
append(OperatorType) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValue
Adds a new Operator with the given OperatorType.
append(SelectorPart) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Selector
Appends the given part to this Selector.
append(Statement) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Stylesheet
Appends a new Statement to the end of this stylesheet.
append(char) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleAppendable
Appends the specified character.
append(int) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleAppendable
Appends the specified integer.
append(double) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleAppendable
Appends the specified double.
append(long) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleAppendable
Appends the specified long.
append(CharSequence) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleAppendable
Appends the specified CharSequence or String.
appendAfter(T, T) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
appendAfter(T, T) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Appends the specified unit after the given index unit.
appendAll(Iterable<T>) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
appendAll(Iterable<T>) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Appends all of the given units to the end of this collection.
appendAll(Iterable<SelectorPart>) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Selector
Appends all of the given parts to this Selector.
appendComments(Iterable<Comment>, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Utility method for assisting with writing comments.
apply(Iterable<? extends T>) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.util.Action
Applies the action to the given instances.
apply(T, Iterable<? extends T>) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.util.ActionWithSubject
Apply this action for the given subject on the given instances.
args(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.GenericFunctionValue
Sets the raw arguments.
args() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.GenericFunctionValue
Gets the raw arguments.
args(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.LinearGradientFunctionValue
Sets the function arguments.
args() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.LinearGradientFunctionValue
Gets the raw function arguments.
args(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.RawFunction
Changes the raw function args.
args() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.RawFunction
Gets the function args.
args(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.PseudoClassSelector
Specifies the arguments of the pseudo selector (e.g., "2n+1").
args() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.PseudoClassSelector
Gets the arguments of the pseudo selector (e.g., "2n+1").
Args - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.util
Utilities for dealing with arguments, particular from RawFunction instances.
As - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.util
Helper for constructing toString() methods...cuz guava's helper just doesn't get the job done.
as(Class<T>, SelectorPart) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Gets the given part as an instance of the given SelectorPart type.
as(Class<T>, PropertyValue) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Values
Helper method to convert or extract the more narrowly-typed Term instance.
asClassSelector(SelectorPart) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Gets the given part as an instance of a ClassSelector, if it is one.
asHexColor(PropertyValue) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Values
Gets the single HexColorValue within the given PropertyValue.
asIdSelector(SelectorPart) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Gets the given part as an instance of an IdSelector, if it is one.
asKeyword() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.KeywordValue
Gets the exact matching Keyword instance, if one exists (it may not exist if this is an unknown keyword).
asKeyword(PropertyValue) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Values
Gets the single KeywordValue within the given PropertyValue.
asKeywordConstant(PropertyValue) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Values
Same as Values.asKeyword(PropertyValue), except this returns the specific Keyword enum value (not the syntax unit).
asNumerical(PropertyValue) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Values
Gets the single NumericalValue within the given PropertyValue.
asProperty() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
Gets the exact matching Property instance, if one exists (it may not exist if this is an unknown property or a prefixed property).
asPropertyIgnorePrefix() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
Gets matching Property instance, if one exists (it may not exist if this is an unknown property.) This ignores the prefix.
asPseudoClassSelector(SelectorPart) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Gets the given part as an instance of a PseudoClassSelector if it is one.
asPseudoElementSelector(SelectorPart) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Gets the given part as an instance of a PseudoElementSelector if it is one.
asString(PropertyValue) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Values
Gets the single StringValue within the given PropertyValue.
asTypeSelector(SelectorPart) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Gets the given part as an instance of a TypeSelector if it is one.
AT_RULE_BLOCK_BEGIN - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
AT_RULE_BLOCK_END - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
AT_RULE_EXPRESSION_END - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
AT_RULE_TERMINATION - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
AT_RULES - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents
Finds at-rules with prefixed-equivalent names.
AtRule - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule
Represents one of the CSS at-rules, such as @media, @charset, @keyframes, etc...
AtRule(int, int, String, RawSyntax, RawSyntax) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
Constructs a new AtRule instance.
AtRule(String, AtRuleExpression, AtRuleBlock) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
Creates a new instance with no line or column specified (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
atRule(AtRule) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type AtRule.
atRule(AtRule) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer.PrefixCleaner
Subscription method - do not call directly.
atRule(AtRule) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer.Prefixer
Subscription method - do not invoke directly.
AtRuleBase() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents.AtRuleBase
AtRuleBlock - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule
The block of an AtRule.
atRuleBlockBegin() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
atRuleBlockBegin() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.TokenFactory
Gets the Token representing the opening of an at-rule block.
atRuleBlockEnd() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
atRuleBlockEnd() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.TokenFactory
Gets the Token representing the closing of an at-rule block.
AtRuleExpression - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule
The expression of an AtRule.
atRuleExpressionEnd() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
atRuleExpressionEnd() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.TokenFactory
Gets the Token representing the end of an at-rule's expression.
AtRuleMember - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule
Either an AtRuleExpression or an AtRuleBlock.
AtRuleParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule
Parses an AtRule.
AtRuleParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule.AtRuleParser
atRuleParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
atRuleParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the AtRuleParser.
atRuleTermination() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
atRuleTermination() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.TokenFactory
Gets the Token designating that the content of an at-rule is terminated (usually a semi-colon).
attribute(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.AttributeSelector
Sets the attribute value.
attribute() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.AttributeSelector
Gets the attribute value.
AttributeMatchType - Enum in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector
Represents the match type in an AttributeSelector.
AttributeSelector - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector
Represents a CSS attribute selector.
AttributeSelector(int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.AttributeSelector
Creates a new instance with the given line and column numbers.
AttributeSelector(String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.AttributeSelector
Creates a new instance with no line or number specified (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
attributeSelector(AttributeSelector) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type AttributeSelector.
attributeSelectorParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
attributeSelectorParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the AttributeSelectorParser.
AttributeSelectorParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector
AttributeSelectorParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector.AttributeSelectorParser
AutoRefine - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.core
Automatically refines Refinable types.
AutoRefine() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.core.AutoRefine
Creates a new AutoRefine matching all Refinables.
AutoRefine(EnumSet<AutoRefine.Match>) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.core.AutoRefine
Creates a new AutoRefine matching the specified types.
AutoRefine.Match - Enum in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.core
Types of Refinables to auto-refine.
autoSummarize() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.error.DefaultErrorManager
autoSummarize() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.error.ErrorManager
Should return true if ErrorManager.summarize() should automatically be called at the end of parsing if there are errors and the result wrapped and thrown by a new ProblemSummaryException.


Base() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents.Base
BaseParserFactory - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory
Base class for ParserFactorys.
BaseParserFactory() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
BasePlugin - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin
An optional base Plugin that can be extended from or used to see which types of subscriptions are possible.
BasePlugin() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
BaseTokenFactory - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory
Base class for TokenFactorys.
BaseTokenFactory() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
block(AtRuleBlock) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
Sets the AtRuleBlock.
block() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
Gets the at-rule block, if present.
broadcast(Broadcastable) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.Broadcaster
Broadcasts the given event (syntax unit).
broadcast(Broadcastable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.ConsumingBroadcaster
broadcast(Broadcastable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.EmittingBroadcaster
broadcast(Broadcastable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.NoopBroadcaster
broadcast(Broadcastable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.QueryableBroadcaster
broadcast(Broadcastable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.QueuingBroadcaster
broadcast(Broadcastable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.SingleInterestBroadcaster
broadcast(Broadcastable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.TypeInterestBroadcaster
broadcast(Broadcastable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.VisitingBroadcaster
Broadcastable - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast
Something that can be broadcasted.
Broadcaster - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast
Responsible for broadcasting Broadcastable events (usually newly created Syntax units).
broadcaster(Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.Omakase.Request
Specifies a Broadcaster to wrap around the default one.
BroadcastRequirement - Enum in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast
Indicates the conditions for an Subscribable type to be broadcasted.
Browser - Enum in
Enum of browsers.
browser(Browser, int) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Designate support for the given Browser and version.
browser(Browser, double) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Designate support for the given Browser and version.
browserName() - Method in enum
Gets the name of the browser.


caseSensitive() - Method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaRestriction
caseSensitive() - Method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.AttributeMatchType
caseSensitive() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token.ConstantEnum
Whether the constant is case-sensitive.
chain(T) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.AbstractBroadcaster
chain(T) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.Broadcaster
Specifies an additional Broadcaster that should receive broadcasted events after this one has processed it.
chainBroadcast(Broadcastable, Broadcaster, Broadcaster...) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.AbstractBroadcaster
chainBroadcast(Broadcastable, Broadcaster, Broadcaster...) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.Broadcaster
Broadcasts the given event (syntax unit).
child() - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Combinator
Creates a new child Combinator (">").
chomp(Token) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Opposite of Source.until(Token), this will advance past the current character and all subsequent characters for as long as they match the given Token.
chompEnclosedValue(Token, Token) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Similar to Source.chomp(Token), except this expects the value to be enclosed with an opening and closing delimiter Token.
ClassSelector - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector
Represents a CSS class selector.
ClassSelector(int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.ClassSelector
Creates a new instance with the given line and column numbers.
ClassSelector(String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.ClassSelector
Creates a new instance with no line or number specified (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
classSelector(ClassSelector) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type ClassSelector.
classSelectorParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
classSelectorParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the ClassSelectorParser.
ClassSelectorParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector
Parses a ClassSelector.
ClassSelectorParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector.ClassSelectorParser
clean(String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Args
Removes newlines and repeating whitespace from arguments.
clear() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
clear() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Removes all units from this collection.
clearTrueConditions() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsConfig
Removes all current trueConditions.
collectComments() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Parses all comments and whitespace at the current position in the source.
collectComments(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Parses all comments at the current position in the source.
color(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.HexColorValue
Sets the value of the color (will be converted to lower-case).
color() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.HexColorValue
Gets the color value (does not include the #).
column() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
column() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
The column number within the source where this Syntax unit was parsed.
column() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Gets the current column position.
column - Variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source.Snapshot
the column at the captured index
com.salesforce.omakase - package com.salesforce.omakase
Base package for the Omakase CSS Parser, which contains all of the entry-point classes.
com.salesforce.omakase.ast - package com.salesforce.omakase.ast
Contains general AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) units, such as Rule and top-level AST interfaces, such as Syntax, Commentable and Refinable.
com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule - package com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule
Contains at-rule AST members.
com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection - package com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection
Contains interfaces and classes for collections of Syntax units.
com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration - package com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration
Contains declaration AST members.
com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended - package com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended
Contains customized, extended syntax objects that are not part of the standard CSS spec.
com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector - package com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector
Contains selector AST members.
com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast - package com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast
Handles the broadcasting of events (new Syntax units).
com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.annotation - package com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.annotation
Contains the standard Omakase Java annotations.
com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.emitter - package com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.emitter
Reads annotations on plugins and invokes annotated subscription methods. - package
Various data and constants, usually generated.
com.salesforce.omakase.error - package com.salesforce.omakase.error
Contains the error manager and base exceptions.
com.salesforce.omakase.parser - package com.salesforce.omakase.parser
Parsers that read source code and broadcast AST objects.
com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule - package com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule
At-rule parsers.
com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration - package com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration
Declaration parsers.
com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory - package com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory
Parsing and token factories.
com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector - package com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector
Selector parsers.
com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token - package com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token
Single-character Tokens used by parsers.
com.salesforce.omakase.plugin - package com.salesforce.omakase.plugin
Interfaces for plugging new features into the parsing process (rework, validation, etc...).
com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals - package com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals
Plugins related to the custom syntax for conditionals.
com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.core - package com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.core
Core plugins.
com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.misc - package com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.misc
Other misc plugins.
com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer - package com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer
Plugins related to automatic vendor prefixing.
com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax - package com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax
Plugins related to standard syntax refinement parsing.
com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.validator - package com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.validator
Plugins that perform validation.
com.salesforce.omakase.util - package com.salesforce.omakase.util
Utilities and helpers.
com.salesforce.omakase.writer - package com.salesforce.omakase.writer
Classes for outputting processed CSS in compressed or uncompressed modes.
CombinationParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser
Combines two or more Parsers together.
CombinationParser(Parser...) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.CombinationParser
Creates a new instance using the given Parsers, in order.
Combinator - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector
Represents a CSS combinator.
Combinator(CombinatorType) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Combinator
Creates a new instance with no line or number specified (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
Combinator(int, int, CombinatorType) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Combinator
Creates a new instance with the given line and column numbers, and the CombinatorType.
combinatorParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
combinatorParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the CombinatorParser.
CombinatorParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector
Parses Combinators.
CombinatorParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector.CombinatorParser
CombinatorType - Enum in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector
Enum of the types of CSS combinators.
commaSeparatedArgs() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.CssAnnotation
Parses the arguments using commas as the delimiter.
comment(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
comment(Comment) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
Comment - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast
Represents a CSS comment.
Comment(String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Comment
Creates a new Comment with the given content.
Comment(CssAnnotation) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Comment
Creates a new Comment with the given CssAnnotation as the content.
comment(String) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
Adds the given comment to this unit.
comment(Comment) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
Adds the given Comment to this unit.
comments(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
comments(Syntax) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
comments() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
comments(Collection<String>) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
Adds the given comments to this unit.
comments(Syntax) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
Copies all comments from the given syntax unit.
comments() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
Gets all comments associated with this Syntax unit.
complexSelectorParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
complexSelectorParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the ComplexSelectorParser.
ComplexSelectorParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector
Parses refined Selectors, as opposed to SelectorParser.
ComplexSelectorParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector.ComplexSelectorParser
CompoundToken - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token
A combination matcher that does an OR comparison of two Tokens.
CompoundToken(Token, Token) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token.CompoundToken
Constructs a new CompoundToken for doing OR character comparisons.
compressed() - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Creates a new StyleWriter with WriterMode.COMPRESSED mode.
condition() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended.Conditional
Gets the name of the condition.
CONDITION_NAME - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
Conditional - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended
Represents a single condition within a ConditionalAtRuleBlock.
Conditional(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended.Conditional
Creates a new Conditional instance, with the given name and optional negation.
conditional(ConditionalAtRuleBlock) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsCollector
Subscription method - do not call directly.
ConditionalAtRuleBlock - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended
An extension to the standard CSS syntax that allows for conditional at-rules.
ConditionalAtRuleBlock(int, int, Iterable<Conditional>, Iterable<Statement>, ConditionalsConfig) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended.ConditionalAtRuleBlock
Creates a new ConditionalAtRuleBlock instance with the given conditions, statements and config object.
conditionalAtRuleBlock(ConditionalAtRuleBlock) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type ConditionalAtRuleBlock (only enabled with the Conditionals plugin.
conditionals() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended.ConditionalAtRuleBlock
Gets the list of Conditionals specified as arguments to this block.
Conditionals - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals
An extension to the standard CSS syntax that allows for conditional at-rules.
Conditionals() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.Conditionals
Creates a new Conditionals plugin instance with no specified true conditions.
Conditionals(boolean) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.Conditionals
Creates a new Conditionals plugin instance with passthroughMode set as given.
Conditionals(String...) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.Conditionals
Creates a new Conditionals plugin instance with the given list of true conditions.
Conditionals(Set<String>) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.Conditionals
Creates a new Conditionals plugin instance with the given list of true conditions.
ConditionalsCollector - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals
Collects the set of all found conditions, i.e., the arguments inside of ConditionalAtRuleBlocks, from the Conditionals plugin.
ConditionalsCollector() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsCollector
ConditionalsConfig - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals
Manages the set of "trueConditions" as used by the Conditionals plugin and individual ConditionalAtRuleBlock objects, and other options.
ConditionalsConfig() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsConfig
ConditionalsRefiner - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals
Parses AtRule objects that are ConditionalAtRuleBlocks.
ConditionalsRefiner(ConditionalsConfig) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsRefiner
Creates a new ConditionalsRefiner.
ConditionalsValidator - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals
A validator plugin that will validate the correctness of the syntax and contents of conditional at-rules (ConditionalAtRuleBlock).
ConditionalsValidator() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsValidator
Creates a new validator that will validate and refine the conditional at-rule blocks (syntax), but will not check if the condition is allowed.
ConditionalsValidator(String...) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsValidator
Creates a new validator that will validate and refine the conditional at-rule blocks (syntax), and will also confirm that the condition is within the given set of allowed conditions.
ConditionalsValidator(Iterable<String>) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsValidator
Creates a new validator that will validate and refine the conditional at-rule blocks, and will also confirm that the condition is within the given set of allowed conditions.
config() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.Conditionals
Gets the ConditionalsConfig instance.
constant() - Method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaRestriction
constant() - Method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.AttributeMatchType
constant() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token.ConstantEnum
Gets the constant representing the enum member.
ConstantEnum - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token
Very similar to a TokenEnum, except that this is used for enums that must match more than one character (a constant) as opposed to a single token.
ConsumingBroadcaster<T extends Broadcastable> - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast
A broadcaster that will forward broadcasted units of a certain type to a Consumer.
ConsumingBroadcaster(Class<T>, Consumer<T>, Function<T, Boolean>) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.ConsumingBroadcaster
Creates a new broadcaster that matches units of the given class.
ConsumingBroadcaster(Class<T>, Consumer<T>) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.ConsumingBroadcaster
Creates a new broadcaster that matches units of the given class.
contains(T) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
contains(T) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Gets whether the given unit is contained within this collection.
content() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Comment
Gets the content of the comment.
content(QuotationMode, String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.StringValue
Sets the content of the string.
content() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.StringValue
Gets the content of the string.
content() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended.UnquotedIEFilter
Gets the content.
content() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.RawSyntax
Gets the raw content.
copiedFrom(T) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
This should be called on all copied units.
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
For implementations: do not copy comments or orphaned comments, instead be sure to call AbstractSyntax.copiedFrom(Syntax) on the new copy.
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
copy() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRuleBlock
copy() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRuleExpression
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontDescriptor
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontFaceBlock
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.GenericAtRuleBlock
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.GenericAtRuleExpression
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQuery
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQueryExpression
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQueryList
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MetadataExpression
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.GenericFunctionValue
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.HexColorValue
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.KeywordValue
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.LinearGradientFunctionValue
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Operator
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValue
copy() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValueMember
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.StringValue
copy() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Term
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.UnicodeRangeValue
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.UrlFunctionValue
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended.ConditionalAtRuleBlock
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended.UnquotedIEFilter
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.RawFunction
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.RawSyntax
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Rule
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.AttributeSelector
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.ClassSelector
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Combinator
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.IdSelector
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.KeyframeSelector
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.PseudoClassSelector
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.PseudoElementSelector
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Selector
copy() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.SelectorPart
copy() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.SimpleSelector
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.TypeSelector
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.UniversalSelector
copy() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Statement
copy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Stylesheet
copy() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
Performs a deep copy of the instance.
count() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.QueryableBroadcaster
Gets the total number of broadcasted units.
countAtCurrentDepth() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Gets the count of the number of peer units previously written out at the current depth level.
countTerms() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValue
Does a quick count of the number of Terms (does not include operators) within this PropertyValue.
CssAnnotation - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast
Represents a CSS annotation comment.
CssAnnotation(String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.CssAnnotation
Creates a new CssAnnotation with the given name.
CssAnnotation(String, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.CssAnnotation
Creates a new CssAnnotation instance with the given name and arguments.
CssAnnotations - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.util
Contains names of known CssAnnotations.
current() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Gets the character at the current position.
customBrowserSupport() - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer.Prefixer
Creates a new instance of the Prefixer plugin with no default browser version support.
customBrowserSupport(SupportMatrix) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer.Prefixer
Creates a new instance of the Prefixer plugin using the given SupportMatrix.
CustomWriter<T extends Writable> - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.writer
Customizes the writing of a particular Syntax unit.
cut(Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.AbstractBroadcaster
cut(Broadcaster) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.Broadcaster
Cuts the given Broadcaster from the chain so that it will no long receive additional events.


declaration() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.AbstractTerm
Declaration - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration
Represents a CSS declaration.
Declaration(RawSyntax, RawSyntax) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Creates a new Declaration with the given rawProperty (property name) and rawValue (property value).
Declaration(Property, PropertyValue) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Creates a new Declaration with the given PropertyName and PropertyValue.
Declaration(Property, Term) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Creates a new instance of a Declaration with the given Property and single Term value.
Declaration(PropertyName, Term) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Creates a new instance of a Declaration with the given PropertyName and single Term value.
Declaration(PropertyName, PropertyValue) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Creates a new instance of a Declaration with the given PropertyName and PropertyValue.
declaration(Declaration) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValue
Sets the parent Declaration.
declaration() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValue
Gets the parent Declaration that owns this property.
declaration() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Term
Shortcut method to get the parent Declaration containing this term.
declaration(Declaration) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type Declaration.
declaration(Declaration) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer.Prefixer
Subscription method - do not invoke directly.
DECLARATION_END - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
declarationBlockBegin() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
declarationBlockBegin() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.TokenFactory
Gets the Token representing the beginning of a declaration block.
declarationBlockEnd() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
declarationBlockEnd() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.TokenFactory
Gets the Token representing the end of a declaration block.
declarationDelimiter() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
declarationDelimiter() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.TokenFactory
Gets the Token representing the delimiter between Declarations.
declarationEnd() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
declarationEnd() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.TokenFactory
Gets the Token representing what indicates the end of a Declaration.
DeclarationParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration
Parses a Declaration.
DeclarationParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.DeclarationParser
DeclarationPlugin - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax
Refines Declarations.
DeclarationPlugin() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax.DeclarationPlugin
declarations() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Rule
Gets the collection of declarations for this Rule.
Declarations - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.util
Utilities for working with Declarations.
DeclarationSequenceParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration
Parses a sequence of semi-colon delimited Declarations.
DeclarationSequenceParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.DeclarationSequenceParser
decrementDepth() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Decrements the stack depth.
defaultBrowserSupport() - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer.Prefixer
Creates a new instance of the Prefixer plugin with default browser version support levels: IE10+, latest versions of Safari and IE Mobile, last 3 versions of Firefox, Chrome, Edge and Android and last 6 versions of IOS Safari.
DefaultErrorManager - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.error
The default Omakase ErrorManager.
DefaultErrorManager() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.error.DefaultErrorManager
Creates a new DefaultErrorManager instance with no given name.
DefaultErrorManager(String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.error.DefaultErrorManager
Creates a new DefaultErrorManager instance with the given name.
delegateRefinement(Declaration, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax.DeclarationPlugin
A convenience method to delegate refinement of a Declaration to this class.
delegateRefinement(AtRule, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax.MediaPlugin
A convenience method to delegate refinement of an AtRule to this class.
delegateRefinement(Selector, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax.SelectorPlugin
A convenience method to delegate refinement of a Selector to this class.
dependencies(PluginRegistry) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.Conditionals
dependencies(PluginRegistry) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsCollector
dependencies(PluginRegistry) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsValidator
dependencies(PluginRegistry) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.core.AutoRefine
dependencies(PluginRegistry) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.core.StandardValidation
dependencies(PluginRegistry) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.DependentPlugin
Registers plugin dependencies.
dependencies(PluginRegistry) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.misc.DirectionFlipPlugin
dependencies(PluginRegistry) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer.Prefixer
dependencies(PluginRegistry) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.validator.PseudoElementValidator
dependencies(PluginRegistry) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
DependentPlugin - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin
A Plugin that has dependencies on other Plugins.
descendant() - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Combinator
Creates a new descendant Combinator (" ").
Description - Annotation Type in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.annotation
Description of a Subscribable type.
description() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token.CompoundToken
description() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token.SimpleToken
description() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token.Token
Gets a description of the token.
description() - Method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token.Tokens
destroy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.AbstractGroupable
destroy() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.Groupable
Removes this unit from its collection.
destroy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
destroy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Rule
destroy() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Selector
destroy() - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Actions
Gets an Action that will call Groupable.destroy() on all instances.
destroyAll() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
destroyAll() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Calls Groupable.destroy() on all units.
DIDNT_FIND_MEDIA_LIST - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
DirectionFlipPlugin - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.misc
DirectionFlipPlugin changes the direction of CSS property names, keywords, and term lists from left to right, or from right to left.
DirectionFlipPlugin() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.misc.DirectionFlipPlugin
doubleValue() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
Gets the numerical value as a double.
DUPLICATE_PLUGIN - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message


emit(Broadcastable, Grammar, Broadcaster, ErrorManager) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.emitter.Emitter
Sends an event to registered subscribers of the given event type (i.e., class), including any subscribers to types within the event's class hierarchy.
Emitter - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.emitter
Responsible for sending an event (Broadcastable) to registered listeners.
Emitter() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.emitter.Emitter
EmittingBroadcaster - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast
The main Broadcaster, this emits the broadcasted events to registered Plugin methods.
EmittingBroadcaster() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.EmittingBroadcaster
eof() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Gets whether we are at the end of the source.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
equals(Object) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.CssAnnotation
Equivalents - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.util
Utilities for finding prefixed equivalents.
Equivalents.AtRuleBase<N extends Named> - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.util
base for walkers that group AtRules together
Equivalents.Base<G extends Groupable<?,G>,N extends Named> - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.util
base for walkers that group any Groupable together
Equivalents.EquivalentWalker<P,N extends Named> - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.util
Responsible for finding the next and previous "peers", and also for determining whether a "peer" is an prefixed equivalent.
Equivalents.RuleBase<N extends Named> - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.util
base for walkers that group Rules together
ErrorLevel - Enum in com.salesforce.omakase.error
Describes the level of severity of a problem reported to an ErrorManager.
errorManager(ErrorManager) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.EmittingBroadcaster
Specifies the ErrorManager that should be given to Validate subscription methods.
ErrorManager - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.error
Responsible for handling errors.
ErrorUtils - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.error
Utils for working with errors.
everything() - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.core.AutoRefine
Creates an AutoRefine that matches everything.
excludeNegationOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsCollector
Specify true to ignore conditions that are only used with the negation operator (e.g., !ie9).
expand(String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Properties
Expands a string with wildcards ('*') to all known properties.
expect(Token) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Similar to, except it will enforce that the current character matches the given Token before advancing, otherwise an error will be thrown.
expect(Token, String, Object...) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Similar to, except it will enforce that the current character matches the given Token before advancing, otherwise an error will be thrown.
EXPECTED_ATTRIBUTE_MATCH_VALUE - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
EXPECTED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
EXPECTED_CLOSING - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
EXPECTED_DECIMAL - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
EXPECTED_IMPORTANT - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
EXPECTED_SELECTOR - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
EXPECTED_TO_FIND - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
EXPECTED_VALID_CLASS - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
EXPECTED_VALID_ID - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
explicitSign(NumericalValue.Sign) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
Sets the explicit sign of the number.
explicitSign() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
Gets the explicit sign of the number.
expression(AtRuleExpression) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
expression() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
Gets the at-rule expression, if present.
expression(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.GenericAtRuleExpression
Sets the expression.
expression() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.GenericAtRuleExpression
Gets the expression.
expressions() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQuery
Gets the collection of expressions.
extract(String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Args
Extracts the args inside of a function literal.
EXTRANEOUS - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message


feature(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQueryExpression
Sets the media feature name.
feature() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQueryExpression
Gets the media feature name.
fields() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.As
Specifies that all fields should be added.
filter(Class<T>) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.QueryableBroadcaster
Gets all broadcasted events that are instances of the given class.
filter(Class<T>, Selector) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Filters the selector parts in the given Selector to only the ones of the given class type.
filter(Class<T>, PropertyValue) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Values
Filters the terms in the given PropertyValue to only the ones of the given class type.
find(Class<S>) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
find(Class<S>) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Finds the first item in this collection that is a type of a the given class.
find(Class<T>) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.QueryableBroadcaster
Finds the first Broadcastable unit that is an instance of the given class.
findClassSelector(Selector, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Checks the given Selector for a ClassSelector that matches the given name.
findClassSelector(Iterable<SelectorPart>, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Checks the given parts for the first ClassSelector that matches the given name.
findComments(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Parses all comments at the current position in the source.
findIdSelector(Selector, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Checks the given Selector for the first IdSelector that matches the given name.
findIdSelector(Iterable<SelectorPart>, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Checks the given parts for the first IdSelector that matches the given name.
findPseudoClassSelector(Selector, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Checks the given Selector for the first PseudoClassSelector that matches the given name.
findPseudoClassSelector(Iterable<SelectorPart>, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Checks the given parts for the first PseudoClassSelector that matches the given name.
findPseudoElementSelector(Selector, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Checks the given Selector for the first PseudoElementSelector that matches the given name.
findPseudoElementSelector(Iterable<SelectorPart>, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Checks the given parts for the first PseudoElementSelector that matches the given name.
findTypeSelector(Selector, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Checks the given Selector for the first TypeSelector that matches the given name.
findTypeSelector(Iterable<SelectorPart>, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Checks the given parts for the first TypeSelector that matches the given name.
first() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
first() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Gets the first unit in the collection.
flipDeclaration(Declaration) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.misc.DirectionFlipPlugin
Flips property names and/or property values.
flipKeyword(KeywordValue) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.misc.DirectionFlipPlugin
Flips keywords.
flushComments() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Returns all CSS comments currently in the buffer.
fmt(String, Object...) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
Format a message with parameters.
fmt(String, Class<?>) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
Format a message with a Class as the parameter.
FONT_FACE - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
FontDescriptor - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule
Represents one of the FontFaceBlock font-descriptors (src, font-weight, font-style, etc...).
FontDescriptor(PropertyName, PropertyValue) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontDescriptor
Creates a new FontDescriptor instance with the given property name and value.
FontDescriptor(Declaration) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontDescriptor
Creates a new FontDescriptor instance using the given Declarations PropertyName and PropertyValue, as well as comments.
fontDescriptors() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontFaceBlock
Gets the SyntaxCollection of FontDescriptors within this unit.
FontFaceBlock - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule
Represents the block of a font-face at-rule.
FontFaceBlock() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontFaceBlock
Creates a new instance with no line or number specified (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
FontFaceBlock(int, int) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontFaceBlock
Constructs a new FontFaceBlock instance.
fontFaceDescriptor(FontDescriptor) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type FontDescriptor.
FontFacePlugin - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax
Refines font-face at-rules (@font-face).
FontFacePlugin() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax.FontFacePlugin
format(String, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.error.ErrorUtils
Formats a general error message.
format(Source, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.error.ErrorUtils
Formats a parsing error message.
format(String, Source, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.error.ErrorUtils
Formats a parsing error message.
format(Syntax, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.error.ErrorUtils
Formats a validation error message.
format(String, Syntax, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.error.ErrorUtils
Formats a validation error message.
forward(int) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Advance the current position to the given index.
foundConditions() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsCollector
Returns a copy of the set of found conditions.
fromEnum(Class<E>) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.CssAnnotation
Same as CssAnnotation.fromEnum(Class, CaseFormat, CaseFormat), except this method only works with enums that use TITLE_CASE, and annotations that either use TITLE_CASE or lowerCamel.
fromEnum(Class<E>, CaseFormat, CaseFormat) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.CssAnnotation
Parses the arguments with allowed values from the given enum.
fullSource() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Gets the original source.
function(FunctionValue) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer.Prefixer
Subscription method - do not invoke directly.
FUNCTION_VALUES - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents
Finds declarations with prefixed-equivalent function values.
FunctionValue - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration
General interface for function term values, such as GenericFunctionValue.
functionValue(FunctionValue) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type FunctionValue.
FunctionValueParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration
FunctionValueParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.FunctionValueParser
functionValueParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
functionValueParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the FunctionValueParser.


gather() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.InterestBroadcaster
Gets all units of the expected type that were broadcasted.
gather() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.SingleInterestBroadcaster
gather() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.TypeInterestBroadcaster
general() - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Combinator
Creates a new general sibling Combinator ("~").
GenericAtRuleBlock - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule
A generic wrapper containing a list of statements.
GenericAtRuleBlock() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.GenericAtRuleBlock
Creates a new GenericAtRuleBlock instance with no statements or Broadcaster specified.
GenericAtRuleBlock(Iterable<Statement>) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.GenericAtRuleBlock
Creates a new GenericAtRuleBlock instance.
GenericAtRuleExpression - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule
A generic AtRuleExpression value.
GenericAtRuleExpression(int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.GenericAtRuleExpression
Creates anew instance with the given line and column numbers and simple expression.
GenericAtRuleExpression(String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.GenericAtRuleExpression
Creates a new instance with the given simple expression (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
genericFunction(GenericFunctionValue) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type GenericFunctionValue.
GenericFunctionValue - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration
A generic function value with non-validated arguments.
GenericFunctionValue(int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.GenericFunctionValue
Constructs a new GenericFunctionValue instance with the given function name and arguments.
GenericFunctionValue(String, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.GenericFunctionValue
Constructs a new GenericFunctionValue instance with the given function name and arguments (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
get(String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Args
Gets the list of comma-separated arguments in the given string.
getParserFactory() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.ParserPlugin
Gets the ParserFactory instance.
getSourceName() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.error.DefaultErrorManager
getSourceName() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.error.ErrorManager
Gets the name of the source currently being parsed.
getTokenFactory() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.GrammarPlugin
Gets the TokenFactory instance.
grammar(Grammar) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.EmittingBroadcaster
Specifies the Grammar to pass along to Refine subscription methods.
Grammar - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser
Contains factories for grammar providers.
Grammar() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Grammar
Creates a new instance using standard grammar constructs.
Grammar(TokenFactory, ParserFactory) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Grammar
Creates a new instance using standard or custom grammar constructs.
GrammarPlugin - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin
A Plugin that provides a custom TokenFactory.
group(SyntaxCollection<P, T>) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.AbstractGroupable
group() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.AbstractGroupable
group(SyntaxCollection<P, T>) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.Groupable
Sets the group.
group() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.Groupable
Gets the group SyntaxCollection of this unit.
Groupable<P,T extends Groupable<P,T>> - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection
Represents an item that appears in a group or chain of other related units, for usage with SyntaxCollection.


hasAnnotation(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
hasAnnotation(CssAnnotation) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
hasAnnotation(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Comment
Checks if this comment has a CssAnnotation with the given name.
hasAnnotation(CssAnnotation) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Comment
Checks if this comment has a CssAnnotation that equals the given one.
hasAnnotation(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Rule
hasAnnotation(CssAnnotation) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Rule
hasAnnotation(String) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
Checks if this unit has a CSS comment annotation with the given name.
hasAnnotation(CssAnnotation) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
Checks if this unit has a CSS comment with a CssAnnotation that equals the given one.
hasAny() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.QueryableBroadcaster
Returns true if any events were received by this broadcaster.
hasClassSelector(Selector, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Checks the given parts for a ClassSelector that matches the given name.
hasClassSelector(Iterable<SelectorPart>, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Checks the given parts for a ClassSelector that matches the given name.
hasCondition(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsCollector
Gets whether the given condition was found.
hasCondition(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsConfig
Gets whether the given condition is "true".
hasErrors() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.error.DefaultErrorManager
hasErrors() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.error.ErrorManager
Returns true if there were any errors.
hashCode() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
hashCode() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.CssAnnotation
hasIdSelector(Selector, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Checks the given parts for a IdSelector that matches the given name.
hasIdSelector(Iterable<SelectorPart>, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Checks the given parts for a IdSelector that matches the given name.
hasPrefix(Prefix) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
Gets whether this PropertyName has the given Prefix.
hasPseudoClassSelector(Selector, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Checks the given parts for a PseudoClassSelector that matches the given name.
hasPseudoClassSelector(Iterable<SelectorPart>, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Checks the given parts for a PseudoClassSelector that matches the given name.
hasPseudoElementSelector(Selector, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Checks the given parts for a PseudoElementSelector that matches the given name.
hasPseudoElementSelector(Iterable<SelectorPart>, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Checks the given parts for a PseudoElementSelector that matches the given name.
hasSourcePosition() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
hasSourcePosition() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
Gets whether this unit has a source location specified.
hasStarHack() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
Gets whether this PropertyName includes an IE7 star hack (
hasTypeSelector(Selector, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Checks the given parts for a TypeSelector that matches the given name.
hasTypeSelector(Iterable<SelectorPart>, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Selectors
Checks the given parts for a TypeSelector that matches the given name.
HEX_AFTER_WILDCARD - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
HexColorValue - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration
A hex color value (e.g., "fffeee").
HexColorValue(int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.HexColorValue
Constructs a new instance of a HexColorValue.
HexColorValue(String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.HexColorValue
Constructs a new instance of a HexColorValue (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
HexColorValue(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.HexColorValue
Constructs a new instance of a HexColorValue (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
hexColorValue(HexColorValue) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type HexColorValue.
HexColorValueParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration
Parses a HexColorValue.
HexColorValueParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.HexColorValueParser
hexColorValueParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
hexColorValueParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the HexColorValueParser.


id() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
id() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
Gets the unique identifier for this unit.
IdSelector - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector
Represents a CSS id selector.
IdSelector(int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.IdSelector
Creates a new instance with the given line and column numbers and id name.
IdSelector(String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.IdSelector
Creates a new instance with no line or number specified (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
idSelector(IdSelector) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type IdSelector.
idSelectorParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
idSelectorParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the IdSelectorParser.
IdSelectorParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector
Parses an IdSelector.
IdSelectorParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector.IdSelectorParser
important(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValue
Sets whether this PropertyValue is marked as "!important".
ImportantParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration
Parses "!important"s at the end of a declaration's property value.
ImportantParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.ImportantParser
importantParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
importantParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the parser to parse a "important!" value.
incrementDepth() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Increments the stack depth.
indent() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.As
Specifies that this toString representation should indent and write each member on a separate line.
indent() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleAppendable
Increases the indentation level.
indentationLevel() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleAppendable
Gets the current indentation level.
indentIf(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleAppendable
Increases the indentation level only if the given condition is true.
index() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Gets the current index position within the original source.
index - Variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source.Snapshot
the captured index
inline() - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Creates a new StyleWriter with WriterMode.INLINE mode.
instance() - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MetadataExpression
Gets the instance.
instance() - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.StandardParserFactory
Gets the factory instance.
instance() - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.StandardTokenFactory
Gets the factory instance.
inString() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Whether we are currently inside of a string.
inString - Variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source.Snapshot
whether we are in a string at the captured index
InterestBroadcaster<T> - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast
A broadcaster similar to QueryableBroadcaster, but it only stores references of a single type.
intValue() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
Gets the numerical value as an integer.
INVALID_HEX - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
isCombinator() - Method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.SelectorPartType
Gets whether this type represents a combinator.
isCompressed() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Gets whether the current WriterMode is WriterMode.COMPRESSED.
isConditional() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
Determines if this rule is conditional (@if) or not.
isDestroyed() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.AbstractGroupable
isDestroyed() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.Groupable
Whether the unit has been destroyed.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
isEmpty() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Gets whether this collection contains any units.
isEmptyOrNoneWritable() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
isEmptyOrNoneWritable() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Gets whether this collection is empty, or all contained elements are not writable.
isEscaped() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Gets whether the current character is preceded by the escape character
isFirst() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.AbstractGroupable
isFirst() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.Groupable
Gets whether this unit is the first within its group.
isFirstAtCurrentDepth() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Gets whether no peer units have been written out at the current depth level.
isImportant() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValue
Gets whether this PropertyValue is marked as "!important".
isInline() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Gets whether the current WriterMode is WriterMode.INLINE.
isKeyframe() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Selector
Gets whether this selector is used for @keyframes.
isLast() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.AbstractGroupable
isLast() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.Groupable
Gets whether this unit is the last within its group.
isLogicalNegation() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended.Conditional
Returns true if the logical negation operator is present for this condition.
isNegative() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
Gets whether a sign is present and if the sign is negative.
isOnlyValueIn(Declaration) - Method in enum
Gets whether this keyword is the only value of the given Declaration.
isOnlyValueIn(PropertyValue) - Method in enum
Gets whether the given PropertyValue only consists of one Term which is a KeywordValue with this Keyword.
isPassthroughMode() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsConfig
Gets whether passthroughMode is true or false.
isPrefixableAtRule(String) - Static method in class
Gets whether prefix info exists for the given at-rule.
isPrefixableFunction(String) - Static method in class
Gets whether prefix info exists for the given function name.
isPrefixableKeyword(Keyword) - Static method in class
Gets whether prefix info exists for the given keyword.
isPrefixableProperty(Property) - Static method in class
Gets whether prefix info exists for the given Property.
isPrefixableSelector(String) - Static method in class
Gets whether prefix info exists for the given selector name.
isPrefixed() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Gets whether the PropertyName is prefixed.
isPrefixed() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
Gets whether this property name is prefixed.
isProperty(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontDescriptor
Gets whether this FontDescriptor has the given property name.
isProperty(Property) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontDescriptor
Gets whether this FontDescriptor has the given Property name.
isProperty(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Gets whether this Declaration has the given property name.
isProperty(Property) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Gets whether this Declaration has the given Property name.
isProperty(PropertyName) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Gets whether this Declaration has a PropertyName that matches the given one.
isPropertyIgnorePrefix(Property) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Same as Declaration.isProperty(Property), except this ignores the prefix.
isPropertyIgnorePrefix(PropertyName) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Same as Declaration.isProperty(PropertyName), except this ignores the prefix.
isPropertyIgnorePrefix(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Same as Declaration.isProperty(String), except this ignores the prefix.
isRefined() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
isRefined() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
isRefined() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.RawFunction
isRefined() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Refinable
Gets whether this unit is refined.
isRefined() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Selector
isShorthand() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.HexColorValue
Gets whether this hex color is shorthand (has a length of three).
isSubSource() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Gets whether this a sub-sequence.
isTerm() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.AbstractTerm
isTerm() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Operator
isTerm() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValueMember
Returns true if this member is an instance of Term.
isVerbose() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Gets whether the current WriterMode is WriterMode.VERBOSE.
isWritable() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
isWritable() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
isWritable() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontDescriptor
isWritable() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontFaceBlock
isWritable() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.GenericAtRuleBlock
isWritable() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQuery
isWritable() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQueryList
isWritable() - Method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaRestriction
isWritable() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MetadataExpression
isWritable() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.AbstractGroupable
isWritable() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Comment
isWritable() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
isWritable() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Operator
isWritable() - Method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.OperatorType
isWritable() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValue
isWritable() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended.Conditional
isWritable() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended.ConditionalAtRuleBlock
isWritable() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Rule
isWritable() - Method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.AttributeMatchType
isWritable() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Selector
isWritable() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.writer.Writable
Returns whether this unit should actually be written.
iterate(String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Args
Gets the list of comma-separated arguments in the given string.
iterator() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontFaceBlock
iterator() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.GenericAtRuleBlock
iterator() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
iterator() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended.ConditionalAtRuleBlock
iterator() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Stylesheet


join(OperatorType, Iterable<PropertyValue>) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Values
Joins multiple PropertyValues together with the given OperatorType.


keep(Prefix) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer.PrefixCleaner
NOT IMPLEMENTED: Removes all units with a prefix that doesn't match the given one.
key() - Method in enum
Gets the browser key.
keyframe(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.KeyframeSelector
Sets the keyframe.
keyframe() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.KeyframeSelector
Gets the keyframe (e.g., e.g., "from" or "75%").
KEYFRAME_NAME - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
KeyframeRuleParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule
Similar to RuleParser, except this only parses KeyframeSelectors.
KeyframeRuleParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule.KeyframeRuleParser
keyframeRuleParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
keyframeRuleParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the KeyframeRuleParser.
KeyframeSelector - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector
Represents a single keyframe selector part.
KeyframeSelector(int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.KeyframeSelector
Creates a new instance with the given line and column numbers and keyframe.
KeyframeSelector(String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.KeyframeSelector
Creates a new instance with no line or number specified (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
KeyframeSelectorParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule
Parses a single KeyframeSelector part.
KeyframeSelectorParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule.KeyframeSelectorParser
keyframeSelectorParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
keyframeSelectorParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the parser to parse a KeyframeSelector.
KeyframeSelectorSequenceParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule
Parses a sequence of comma-separated KeyframeSelectors.
KeyframeSelectorSequenceParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule.KeyframeSelectorSequenceParser
keyframeSelectorSequenceParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
keyframeSelectorSequenceParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the KeyframeSelectorSequenceParser.
KeyframesPlugin - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax
Refines keyframes at-rules (@keyframes).
KeyframesPlugin() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax.KeyframesPlugin
keyValueArgs(char) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.CssAnnotation
Parsers the arguments for key value pairs.
keyword(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.KeywordValue
Sets the keyword value.
keyword(Keyword) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.KeywordValue
Sets the keyword value.
keyword() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.KeywordValue
Gets the keyword value.
Keyword - Enum in
Enum of all recognized CSS keywords.
keyword(KeywordValue) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer.Prefixer
Subscription method - do not invoke directly.
KeywordValue - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration
A keyword value (e.g., inline-block).
KeywordValue(int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.KeywordValue
Constructs a new KeywordValue instance.
KeywordValue(String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.KeywordValue
Constructs a new KeywordValue instance (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
KeywordValue(Keyword) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.KeywordValue
Constructs a new KeywordValue instance with the given Keyword (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
keywordValue(KeywordValue) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type KeywordValue.
KeywordValueParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration
Parses a KeywordValue.
KeywordValueParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.KeywordValueParser
keywordValueParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
keywordValueParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the KeywordValueParser.


last() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
last() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Gets the last unit in the collection.
last(Browser, int) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Designate support for the last N number of versions of the given Browser, counting back from the current version.
lastVersionAtRuleIsPrefixed(String, Browser) - Static method in class
Gets the last version of the given browser that requires a prefix for the given at-rule.
lastVersionFunctionIsPrefixed(String, Browser) - Static method in class
Gets the last version of the given browser that requires a prefix for the given function name.
lastVersionKeywordIsPrefixed(Keyword, Browser) - Static method in class
Gets the last version of the given browser that requires a prefix for the given keyword.
lastVersionPropertyIsPrefixed(Property, Browser) - Static method in class
Gets the last version of the given browser that requires a prefix for the given property.
lastVersionSelectorIsPrefixed(String, Browser) - Static method in class
Gets the last version of the given browser that requires a prefix for the given selector name.
latest(Browser) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Designate support for the latest version of the given Browser.
length() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Gets the length of the source.
line() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
line() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
The line number within the source where this Syntax unit was parsed.
line() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Gets the current line number.
line - Variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source.Snapshot
the line at the captured index
LinearGradientFunctionValue - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration
Represents a linear-gradient (or repeating-linear-gradient) function.
LinearGradientFunctionValue(int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.LinearGradientFunctionValue
Constructs a new instance of a LinearGradientFunctionValue.
LinearGradientFunctionValue(String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.LinearGradientFunctionValue
Constructs a new instance of a LinearGradientFunctionValue (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
LinearGradientPlugin - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax
LinearGradientPlugin() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax.LinearGradientPlugin
linearGradientValue(LinearGradientFunctionValue) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type LinearGradientFunctionValue.
LinkedSyntaxCollection<P,T extends Groupable<P,T>> - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection
Standard (default) implementation of the SyntaxCollection.
LinkedSyntaxCollection(P) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
Creates a new LinkedSyntaxCollection with no available Broadcaster.
locate(P, N) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents.EquivalentWalker
Returns the named unit that is prefixed-equivalent within/of the given peer, or null if the given peer is not prefixed-equivalent.
lookup(String) - Static method in enum
Gets the keyword associated with the given name.
lookup(String) - Static method in enum
Gets the property associated with the given name.
lowestSupportedVersion(Browser) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Gets the lowest version of the given Browser designated as supported.


markAsMetadataRule() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
Used to indicate this at-rule is for metadata purposes only and should not be written out in the output CSS.
match(AttributeMatchType, String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.AttributeSelector
Specifies the match type and expected match value.
matchAll() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.AttributeSelector
Removes the match type and value, if present.
matches(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
Gets whether this PropertyName has a that equals the given string.
matches(Property) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
Gets whether this PropertyName has a that equals the given Property.
matches(PropertyName) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
Gets whether this PropertyName has a that equals the name of the given PropertyName.
matches(ConditionalsConfig) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended.Conditional
Checks whether this conditional is true based on the true conditions in the given ConditionalsConfig instance.
matches() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended.ConditionalAtRuleBlock
Returns true if at least one of the Conditionals in this block matches any of the true conditions in the config at the time of this method call.
matches(char) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token.CompoundToken
matches(char) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token.SimpleToken
matches(char) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token.Token
Whether the given character matchers this Token.
matches(char) - Method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token.Tokens
matchesIgnorePrefix(Property) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
Same as PropertyName.matches(Property), except this ignores the prefix.
matchesIgnorePrefix(PropertyName) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
Same as PropertyName.matches(PropertyName), except this ignores the prefix.
matchesIgnorePrefix(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
Same as PropertyName.matches(String), except this ignores the prefix of this property.
matchType() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.AttributeSelector
Gets the AttributeMatchType (e.g., "=", "^=", "~=", etc...), if present.
MEDIA_BLOCK - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
MEDIA_EXPR - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
mediaExpressionParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
mediaExpressionParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the MediaQueryExpressionParser.
MediaPlugin - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax
Refines media query at-rules (@media).
MediaPlugin() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax.MediaPlugin
MediaQuery - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule
Represents a media query.
MediaQuery() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQuery
Constructs a new MediaQuery instance.
MediaQuery(int, int) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQuery
Constructs a new MediaQuery instance.
MediaQueryExpression - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule
Represents a media query expression.
MediaQueryExpression(String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQueryExpression
Creates a new MediaQueryExpression instance.
MediaQueryExpression(int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQueryExpression
Creates a new MediaQueryExpression instance.
MediaQueryExpressionParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule
MediaQueryExpressionParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule.MediaQueryExpressionParser
MediaQueryList - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule
Represents a list of media queries.
MediaQueryList() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQueryList
Constructs a new MediaQueryList instance.
MediaQueryList(int, int) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQueryList
Constructs a new MediaQuery instance.
mediaQueryList(MediaQueryList) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type MediaQueryList.
MediaQueryListParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule
Parsers a MediaQueryList.
MediaQueryListParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule.MediaQueryListParser
mediaQueryListParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
mediaQueryListParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the MediaQueryListParser.
MediaQueryParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule
Parsers a MediaQuery.
MediaQueryParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule.MediaQueryParser
mediaQueryParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
mediaQueryParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the MediaQueryParser.
MediaRestriction - Enum in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule
For media queries, represents the keywords 'and' and 'or'.
members() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValue
Message - Class in com.salesforce.omakase
Error messages.
MetadataExpression - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule
Represents an expression that should never be written out.
MetadataExpression() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MetadataExpression
mismatchedPrefixedUnits() - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer.PrefixCleaner
Creates a new PrefixCleaner that will eliminate prefixed declarations within prefixed at-rules, where the declaration's prefix doesn't match the at-rule's prefix.
MISSING_AND - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
MISSING_AT_RULE_NAME - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
MISSING_AT_RULE_VALUE - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
MISSING_BROADCASTER - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
MISSING_COLON - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
MISSING_COMMENT_CLOSE - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
MISSING_CONDITIONAL_BLOCK - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
MISSING_CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
MISSING_ERROR_MANAGER - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
MISSING_FEATURE - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
MISSING_GRAMMAR - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
MISSING_KEYFRAMES_BLOCK - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
MISSING_MEDIA_TERMS - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
MISSING_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
MISSING_PERCENTAGE - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
MISSING_PSEUDO_NAME - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
MISSING_REFINABLE - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
mode() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.StringValue
Gets the QuotationMode.
mode(WriterMode) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Sets the WriterMode.
mode() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Gets the WriterMode.
moveAfter() - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Actions
Gets a ActionWithSubject that will move a collection of instances after a given subject.
moveBefore() - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Actions
Gets a ActionWithSubject that will move a collection of instances before a given subject.


name(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
Sets the at-rule name.
name() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
name() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontDescriptor
name() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.CssAnnotation
Gets the name of the annotation.
name() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
name(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.GenericFunctionValue
Sets the function name.
name() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.GenericFunctionValue
Gets the function name.
name() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.KeywordValue
name() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.LinearGradientFunctionValue
name() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
Gets the full property name, including the prefix if present.
name() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.UrlFunctionValue
name() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Named
Gets the name of this object.
name(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.RawFunction
Changes the name of the function.
name() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.RawFunction
Gets the function name.
name(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.ClassSelector
Sets the class name.
name() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.ClassSelector
Gets the class name.
name(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.IdSelector
Sets the id name.
name() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.IdSelector
Gets the id name.
name(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.PseudoClassSelector
Sets the name of the selector (e.g., "hover").
name() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.PseudoClassSelector
name(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.PseudoElementSelector
Sets the name of the selector.
name() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.PseudoElementSelector
name(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.TypeSelector
Sets the name.
name() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.TypeSelector
Gets the name of the selector.
NAME_SELECTORS_NOT_ALLOWED - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
Named - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.ast
Represents something that has a name.
named(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.As
Creates a new string representation helper described by the given name.
newline() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleAppendable
Appends a newline character.
newlineIf(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleAppendable
Appends a newline character only if the given condition is true.
next() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.AbstractGroupable
next() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.Groupable
Gets the unit following this one in the same collection, if there is one.
next(T) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
next(T) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Gets the next unit after the given one, if there is one.
next - Variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.AbstractBroadcaster
next Broadcaster in the chain
next() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Advance to the next character.
next(AtRule) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents.AtRuleBase
next(G) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents.Base
next(P) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents.EquivalentWalker
Gets the next unit, or null if none.
next(Rule) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents.RuleBase
nextStatus() - Method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.emitter.SubscriptionPhase
Gets the associated Status for items that have completed this phase.
NO_SUPPLIER - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
NOFLIP - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.CssAnnotations
The "noflip" annotation, for direction flipping
NoopBroadcaster - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast
A broadcaster that doesn't do anything...
NoopBroadcaster() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.NoopBroadcaster
Creates a new NoopBroadcaster.
NoopBroadcaster(Broadcaster) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.NoopBroadcaster
Creates a new NoopBroadcaster and calls AbstractBroadcaster.chain(Broadcaster) on this instance, passing in the given Broadcaster.
NULL_CHAR - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
the "null" character, this is used to represent the absence of a char value
NumericalValue - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration
A numerical value (e.g., 1 or 1px or 3.5em).
NumericalValue(int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
Constructs a new NumericalValue instance with the given raw value.
NumericalValue(int) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
Constructs a new NumericalValue instance (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
NumericalValue(double) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
Constructs a new NumericalValue instance (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
numericalValue(NumericalValue) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type NumericalValue.
NumericalValue.Sign - Enum in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration
Represents the sign of the number (+/-)
NumericalValueParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration
Parses a NumericalValue.
NumericalValueParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.NumericalValueParser
numericalValueParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
numericalValueParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the NumericalValueParser.


Observe - Annotation Type in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.annotation
Use this annotation to subscribe to Syntax objects when the method will not change any aspect of the CSS or object.
of(String, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.GenericFunctionValue
Creates a new GenericFunctionValue instance with the given function name and args.
of(String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.HexColorValue
Creates a new HexColorValue instance using the given color (do not include the #).
of(String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.KeywordValue
Creates a new KeywordValue instance from the given keyword string.
of(Keyword) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.KeywordValue
Creates a new KeywordValue instance from the given Keyword.
of(int) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
Creates a new NumericalValue instance with the given integer value.
of(double) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
Creates a new NumericalValue instance with the given double value.
of(String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
Creates a new NumericalValue instance with the given raw value.
of(int, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
Creates a new NumericalValue instance with the given integer value and unit.
of(double, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
Creates a new NumericalValue instance with the given double value and unit.
of(String, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
Creates a new NumericalValue instance with the given raw value.
of(String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
Creates a new PropertyName instance using the given string.
of(int, int, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
Creates a new PropertyName from with the given String name.
of(Property) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
Creates a new PropertyName instance from the given Property.
of(Term) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValue
Creates a new PropertyValue with the given Term as the only member.
of(Term, Term...) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValue
Creates a new PropertyValue with multiple terms.
of(OperatorType, Term, Term...) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValue
Creates a new PropertyValue with multiple terms separated by the given OperatorType.
of(Term, PropertyValueMember...) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValue
Creates a new PropertyValue with one or more terms and operators.
of(QuotationMode, String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.StringValue
Creates a new StringValue instance using the given QuotationMode and content.
of(Class<T>) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.SingleInterestBroadcaster
Convenience method to create a new SingleInterestBroadcaster instance.
of(Class<T>) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.TypeInterestBroadcaster
Convenience method to create a new TypeInterestBroadcaster instance.
Omakase - Class in com.salesforce.omakase
Main entry point for the Omakase CSS Parser.
Omakase.Request - Class in com.salesforce.omakase
Represents a CSS parsing operation.
OmakaseException - Exception in com.salesforce.omakase.error
Generic parent for all Omakase CSS Parser related exceptions.
OmakaseException(String) - Constructor for exception com.salesforce.omakase.error.OmakaseException
Creates a new exception with the given message.
OmakaseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.salesforce.omakase.error.OmakaseException
Creates a new exception with the given message and cause.
OmakaseException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.salesforce.omakase.error.OmakaseException
Creates a mew exception with the given cause.
one() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.InterestBroadcaster
Gets the first or only unit of the expected type to be broadcast, if present.
one() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.SingleInterestBroadcaster
one() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.TypeInterestBroadcaster
ONE_PARAM - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
only(AutoRefine.Match, AutoRefine.Match...) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.core.AutoRefine
Creates an AutoRefine that matches the specified types.
onlyKeep(Prefix) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer.PrefixCleaner
NOT IMPLEMENTED: Creates a new PrefixCleaner that will eliminate all units with prefixes that do not match the given prefix.
Operator - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration
An OperatorType in between a Term, as property of the PropertyValue PropertyValue.
Operator(OperatorType) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Operator
Constructs a new Operator instance (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
Operator(int, int, OperatorType) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Operator
Constructs a new Operator instance.
OperatorParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration
Parses a single term Operator.
OperatorParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.OperatorParser
operatorParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
operatorParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the OperatorParser.
OperatorType - Enum in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration
An operator (separator) between Terms in a PropertyValue.
optional(Token) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Similar to, this will advance to the next character, but only if the current character matches the given Token.
optionalFromConstantEnum(Class<T>) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Similar to Source.optional(Token) and Source.optionalFromEnum(Class), except this works with ConstantEnums, checking each member of the given enum (in the declared order) for a matching constant.
optionalFromEnum(Class<T>) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Similar to Source.optional(Token), except this works with TokenEnums, checking each member of the given enum (in the declared order) for a matching token.
optionallyPresent(Token) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Same as Source.optional(Token), except it returns the result of Optional.isPresent().
or(Token) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token.CompoundToken
or(Token) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token.SimpleToken
or(Token) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token.Token
A Utility to create a new CompoundToken, combining this Token with another one.
or(Token) - Method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token.Tokens
originalColumn() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Gets the original column, taking into account both the Source.anchorColumn() and the current Source.column().
originalColumn - Variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source.Snapshot
the original source column.
originalLine() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Gets the original line, taking into account both the Source.anchorLine() and the current Source.line().
originalLine - Variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source.Snapshot
the original source line.
orphanedComments(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
orphanedComments(Syntax) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
orphanedComments() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
orphanedComments(Collection<String>) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
Adds orphaned comments (comments that appears after or at the end of the unit).
orphanedComments(Syntax) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
Copies all orphaned comments from the given syntax unit.
orphanedComments() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
Gets all orphaned comments (comments that appear after or at the end of the unit).


parent(AtRule) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AbstractAtRuleMember
parent() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AbstractAtRuleMember
parent(AtRule) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRuleMember
Sets the parent AtRule.
parent() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRuleMember
Gets the parent AtRule that owns this property, or absent if not set.
parent() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.AbstractGroupable
parent() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.Groupable
Gets the parent Syntax unit that owns the SyntaxCollection that contains this unit.
parent() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
parent() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Gets the parent Syntax unit that owns this collection.
parent() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.SelectorPart
Gets the parent Selector instance.
parentAtRule() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Similar to AbstractGroupable.parent(), except this will return the parent's containing AtRule.
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule.AtRuleParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster, boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule.AtRuleParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule.KeyframeRuleParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule.KeyframeSelectorParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule.KeyframeSelectorSequenceParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule.MediaQueryExpressionParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule.MediaQueryListParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.atrule.MediaQueryParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.CombinationParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster, boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.CombinationParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.DeclarationParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.DeclarationSequenceParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.FunctionValueParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.HexColorValueParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.ImportantParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.KeywordValueParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.NumericalValueParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.OperatorParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.PropertyValueParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.StringValueParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.TermSequenceParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.UnicodeRangeValueParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Parser
Parse from the current position of the given source, notifying the given Broadcaster of any applicable events and data.
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster, boolean) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Parser
Parse from the current position of the given source, notifying the given Broadcaster of any applicable events and data.
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.RuleParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector.AttributeSelectorParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector.ClassSelectorParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector.CombinatorParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector.ComplexSelectorParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector.IdSelectorParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector.PseudoSelectorParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector.SelectorParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector.SelectorSequenceParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector.TypeSelectorParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector.UniversalSelectorParser
parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.StylesheetParser
parseNumerical(String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Parsers
Parses a NumericalValue at the beginning of the given string.
parseNumerical(Source) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Parsers
Parses a NumericalValue at the beginning of the given source.
parsePrefix(String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Prefixes
Finds the vendor Prefix at the start of the given string.
parser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Grammar
Gets the ParserFactory.
Parser - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.parser
Parses a segment of CSS source code.
ParserException - Exception in com.salesforce.omakase.parser
An error encountered while parsing.
ParserException(Source, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception com.salesforce.omakase.parser.ParserException
Constructs a new instance of a ParserException with the given message and message parameters.
ParserException(Syntax, String) - Constructor for exception com.salesforce.omakase.parser.ParserException
Constructs a new instance of a ParserException for an error caused by the given Syntax unit.
ParserException(Syntax, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception com.salesforce.omakase.parser.ParserException
Constructs a new instance of a ParserException for an error caused by the given Syntax unit.
ParserException(Source, String) - Constructor for exception com.salesforce.omakase.parser.ParserException
Constructs a new instance of a ParserException.
ParserException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.salesforce.omakase.parser.ParserException
Constructs a new instance of a ParserException from the given cause.
ParserFactory - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory
A factory for retrieving various Parsers.
ParserPlugin - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin
A Plugin that provides a custom ParserFactory.
Parsers - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.util
Utilities for working with Parsers.
parseSimple(String, Parser, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Parsers
Uses the given parser to parse an instance of the given class at the beginning of the given source.
parseSimple(Source, Parser, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Parsers
Uses the given parser to parse an instance of the given class at the beginning of the given source.
parts() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Selector
Gets the individual parts of the selector.
passthroughMode(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsConfig
Sets the passthroughMode status.
pause() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.QueuingBroadcaster
Pauses the queue.
peek() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.QueuingBroadcaster
Retrieves, but does not remove the first item in the queue.
peek() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Gets the next character without advancing the current position.
peek(int) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Gets the character at the given number of characters forward without advancing the current position.
peekLast() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.QueuingBroadcaster
Retrieves, but does not remove the last item in the queue.
peekPrevious() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Gets the previous character.
phase(SubscriptionPhase) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.emitter.Emitter
Sets the current SubscriptionPhase.
phase() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.emitter.Emitter
Gets the current SubscriptionPhase.
phase(SubscriptionPhase) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.EmittingBroadcaster
Plugin - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin
A plugin that is registered during CSS processing to perform refinement, rework, validation, and more.
PluginRegistry - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase
Registry of Plugins.
plugins() - Method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.core.AutoRefine.Match
Gets the plugins needed to auto-refine this type.
POSERS - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.PseudoElementSelector
these can use pseudo class syntax but are actually pseudo elements
postProcess(PluginRegistry) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.PostProcessingPlugin
This method will be called after all processing has completed (rework and validation).
PostProcessingPlugin - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin
A Plugin that wishes to be notified when all processing (rework and validation) is completed.
prefix(Prefix) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.LinearGradientFunctionValue
Sets the vendor prefix.
prefix() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.LinearGradientFunctionValue
Gets the prefix, if present.
prefix() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
Gets the prefix, if present.
prefix(Prefix) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
Sets the prefix for this property name.
prefix() - Method in enum
Gets the prefix used by this browser.
Prefix - Enum in
Enum of vendor prefixes.
prefix() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Prefixes.PrefixPair
Gets the Prefix.
PrefixCleaner - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer
This plugin handles removing unnecessary prefixed units.
PrefixCleaner() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer.PrefixCleaner
Creates a new PrefixCleaner instance.
PrefixCleaner(Prefix) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer.PrefixCleaner
Creates a new PrefixCleaner instance that will remove all units with a prefix that doesn't match the given one.
prefixedAtRules() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer.PrefixCleaner
For prefixed declarations within prefixed at-rules, this removes the declaration if it has a prefix different from the at-rule's prefix.
Prefixer - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer
This experimental plugin automagically handles vendor prefixing of css property names, function values, at-rules and selectors.
prefixes(P, N, Equivalents.EquivalentWalker<P, N>) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents
Finds all peers of the given unit that match the same name, but with a prefix.
Prefixes - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.util
Utilities for working with vendor prefixes.
Prefixes.PrefixPair - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.util
Represents a name with an optional vendor Prefix.
prefixesForAtRule(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Gets all prefixes required for the given at-rule (e.g., "keyframes"), according to the supported browser versions.
prefixesForFunction(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Gets all prefixes required for the given function name (e.g., "calc" or "linear-gradient"), according to the supported browser versions.
prefixesForKeyword(Keyword) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Gets all prefixes required for the given Keyword according to the supported browser versions.
prefixesForProperty(Property) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Gets all prefixes required for the given Property according to the supported browser versions.
prefixesForSelector(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Gets all prefixes required for the given selector (e.g., "selection"), according to the supported browser versions.
PrefixTables - Class in
Contains the last version of a browser that requires a prefix for various CSS properties.
PrefixTablesUtil - Class in
Utilities for working with the generated data in PrefixTables.
prepend(T) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.AbstractGroupable
prepend(T) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.Groupable
Prepends the given unit before this one.
prepend(T) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
prepend(T) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Prepends the specified unit to the beginning of this collection.
prependAll(Iterable<T>) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
prependAll(Iterable<T>) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Prepends all of the given units to the beginning of this collection.
prependBefore(T, T) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
prependBefore(T, T) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Prepends the specified unit before the given index unit.
previous() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.AbstractGroupable
previous() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.Groupable
Gets the unit preceding this one in the same collection, if there is one.
previous(T) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
previous(T) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Gets the previous unit before the given one, if there is one.
previous(AtRule) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents.AtRuleBase
previous(G) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents.Base
previous(P) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents.EquivalentWalker
Gets the previous unit, or null if none.
previous(Rule) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents.RuleBase
ProblemSummaryException - Exception in com.salesforce.omakase.error
An exception that's thrown at the end of parsing.
ProblemSummaryException(String) - Constructor for exception com.salesforce.omakase.error.ProblemSummaryException
Creates a new exception with the given message.
process() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.Omakase.Request
Processes the CSS source code, invoking registered plugins as applicable.
propagateBroadcast(Broadcaster, Status) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
propagateBroadcast(Broadcaster, Status) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
propagateBroadcast(Broadcaster, Status) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontDescriptor
propagateBroadcast(Broadcaster, Status) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontFaceBlock
propagateBroadcast(Broadcaster, Status) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.GenericAtRuleBlock
propagateBroadcast(Broadcaster, Status) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQuery
propagateBroadcast(Broadcaster, Status) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQueryList
propagateBroadcast(Broadcaster, Status) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
propagateBroadcast(Broadcaster, Status) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Calls Broadcastable#propagateBroadcast(Broadcaster, Status) on all units within this collection using the given Broadcaster.
propagateBroadcast(Broadcaster, Status) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
propagateBroadcast(Broadcaster, Status) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValue
propagateBroadcast(Broadcaster, Status) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended.ConditionalAtRuleBlock
propagateBroadcast(Broadcaster, Status) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Rule
propagateBroadcast(Broadcaster, Status) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Selector
propagateBroadcast(Broadcaster, Status) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.StatementIterable
Implementations must override this method, ensuring that SyntaxCollections are properly handled.
propagateBroadcast(Broadcaster, Status) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Stylesheet
propagateBroadcast(Broadcaster, Status) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.Broadcastable
Broadcasts or rebroadcasts all child units using the given Broadcaster.
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents
Finds declarations with prefixed-equivalent property names.
Properties - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.util
Utilities for working with Property.
Property - Enum in
Enum of all recognized CSS properties.
propertyName() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontDescriptor
Gets the property name.
propertyName(Property) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Sets a new property name.
propertyName(PropertyName) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Sets a new property name.
propertyName(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Sets a new property name.
propertyName() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Gets the property name.
PropertyName - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration
The property name within a Declaration.
propertyNameEnd() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
propertyNameEnd() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.TokenFactory
Gets the Token representing what indicates the end of a Declaration's property name.
propertyValue(Term) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontDescriptor
Sets a new property value.
propertyValue(PropertyValue) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontDescriptor
Sets a new property value.
propertyValue() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontDescriptor
Gets the property value.
propertyValue(Term) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Sets a new property value.
propertyValue(PropertyValue) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Sets a new property value.
propertyValue() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Gets the property value.
PropertyValue - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration
The value of a property in a Declaration.
PropertyValue() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValue
Creates a new instance with no line or number specified (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
PropertyValue(int, int) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValue
Constructs a new PropertyValue instance.
propertyValue(PropertyValue) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type PropertyValue.
PropertyValueMember - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration
A member of a PropertyValue.
PropertyValueParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration
Parses a PropertyValue.
PropertyValueParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.PropertyValueParser
propertyValueParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
propertyValueParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the PropertyValueParser.
prune(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer.Prefixer
Whether we should remove prefixed declarations/at-rules if they are not required for the supported browser versions.
prune() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer.Prefixer
Gets whether unnecessary prefixed declarations can be pruned.
PSEUDO_CLASSES - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents
Finds rules with prefixed-equivalent pseudo class selectors.
PSEUDO_ELEMENT_LAST - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
PSEUDO_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents
Finds rules with prefixed-equivalent pseudo element selectors.
PseudoClassSelector - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector
Represents a CSS pseudo class selector.
PseudoClassSelector(int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.PseudoClassSelector
Constructs a new PseudoClassSelector instance with the given name and optional args.
PseudoClassSelector(String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.PseudoClassSelector
Creates a new instance with no line or number specified (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
PseudoClassSelector(String, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.PseudoClassSelector
Creates a new instance with no line or number specified (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
pseudoClassSelector(PseudoClassSelector) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type PseudoClassSelector.
PseudoElementSelector - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector
Represents a CSS pseudo element selector.
PseudoElementSelector(int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.PseudoElementSelector
Constructs a new PseudoElementSelector selector with the given name.
PseudoElementSelector(String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.PseudoElementSelector
Creates a new instance with no line or number specified (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
PseudoElementSelector(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.PseudoElementSelector
Constructor to use when you know for certain that the given name is already lower-cased.
pseudoElementSelector(PseudoElementSelector) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type PseudoElementSelector.
pseudoElementSelector(PseudoElementSelector) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer.Prefixer
Subscription method - do not invoke directly.
PseudoElementValidator - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.validator
Validates that PseudoElementSelectors are last within a selector sequence (the last SelectorPart within a Selector).
PseudoElementValidator() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.validator.PseudoElementValidator
pseudoSelectorParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
pseudoSelectorParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the PseudoSelectorParser.
PseudoSelectorParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector
PseudoSelectorParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector.PseudoSelectorParser


queries() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQueryList
Gets the SyntaxCollection of MediaQuery objects.
QueryableBroadcaster - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast
A broadcaster that stores all received broadcasts for later retrieval.
QueryableBroadcaster() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.QueryableBroadcaster
Creates a new QueryableBroadcaster.
QueryableBroadcaster(Broadcaster) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.QueryableBroadcaster
Creates a new QueryableBroadcaster and calls AbstractBroadcaster.chain(Broadcaster) on this instance, passing in the given Broadcaster.
QueuingBroadcaster - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast
A broadcaster that queues broadcasts.
QueuingBroadcaster(Broadcaster) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.QueuingBroadcaster
Creates a new QueuingBroadcaster and calls AbstractBroadcaster.chain(Broadcaster) on this instance, passing in the given Broadcaster.
QuotationMode - Enum in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration
Type of quotation mark
quotationMode(QuotationMode) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.UrlFunctionValue
Sets the type of quotes to wrap around the url.
quotationMode() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.UrlFunctionValue
Gets the quotation mode, if present.


raw() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Selector
Gets the original, raw, non-validated selector content.
rawArgs() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.CssAnnotation
Returns the raw, unprocessed args.
rawBlock() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
Gets the original, raw, non-validated at-rule block, if present.
rawDeclarationParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
rawDeclarationParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the DeclarationParser.
rawDeclarationSequenceParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
rawDeclarationSequenceParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the DeclarationSequenceParser.
rawExpression() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
Gets the original, raw, non-validated expression if present (e.g., "utf-8", or "all and (min-width: 800px)".
RawFunction - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast
Represents a function value before refinement.
RawFunction(int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.RawFunction
Creates a new RawFunction instance.
rawFunction(RawFunction) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type RawFunction.
rawPropertyName() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Gets the original, raw, non-validated property name.
rawPropertyValue() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
Gets the original, raw, non-validated property value.
rawSelectorParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
rawSelectorParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the SelectorParser.
rawSelectorSequenceParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
rawSelectorSequenceParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the SelectorSequenceParser.
RawSyntax - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast
Represents raw, non-validated content.
RawSyntax(int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.RawSyntax
Creates an instance with the given line and column number and content.
readConstant(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Reads a constant string at the current position.
readConstantCaseInsensitive(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Same as Source.readConstant(String), except this version is case-insensitive (and thus less performant).
readIdent() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Reads an ident token.
readIdentLevel3() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Same as Source.readIdent(), but this also supports `--` as the first two characters, as specified in the Level 3 spec.
readString() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Reads a value encased in either single or double quotes.
rearrange(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer.Prefixer
Whether this plugin should rearranged the declarations/at-rules so that the unprefixed version always comes last.
rearrange() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer.Prefixer
Gets whether prefixed declarations can be rearranged.
Refinable - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.ast
Designates that an Syntax unit is refinable to a more specified or detailed representation.
Refine - Annotation Type in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.annotation
Use this annotation to subscribe to unrefined Syntax objects in order to provide or trigger refinement on them.
refine(AtRule, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsRefiner
The refiner method.
refine(Declaration, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax.DeclarationPlugin
Refines the given Declaration.
refine(AtRule, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax.FontFacePlugin
Refines the font-face at-rule.
refine(AtRule, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax.KeyframesPlugin
Refines the keyframes at-rule.
refine(RawFunction, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax.LinearGradientPlugin
refine(AtRule, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax.MediaPlugin
Refines MediaQuerys.
refine(Selector, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax.SelectorPlugin
Refines the given Selector.
refine(AtRule, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax.SupportsPlugin
Refines the supports at-rule.
refine(Declaration, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax.UnquotedIEFilterPlugin
Refines unquoted IE proprietary filters.
refine(RawFunction, Grammar, Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax.UrlPlugin
register(Object) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.emitter.Emitter
Registers an instance of an object to receive broadcasted events (usually a Plugin instance).
register(Object) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.EmittingBroadcaster
register(Iterable<? extends Plugin>) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.PluginRegistry
Registers Plugin instances to this PluginRegistry.
register(Plugin) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.PluginRegistry
Registers a single Plugin.
reject(Broadcastable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.QueuingBroadcaster
Prevents the given Broadcastable unit, if it currently exists in the queue, from being broadcasted once QueuingBroadcaster.resume() is called.
relay(Broadcastable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.AbstractBroadcaster
Relays events down the chain to the next Broadcaster, if one was given via Broadcaster.chain(Broadcaster).
remaining() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Gets the remaining text in the source, including the current character.
remove(T) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
remove(T) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Removes a unit from this collection.
removePrefix() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
Removes the current prefix from this property name.
removeTrueCondition(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsConfig
Removes the given condition from the trueConditions set.
repeatableSelector() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
repeatableSelector() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the parser to parse SimpleSelector (excluding type and universal selectors) or a PseudoElementSelector.
repeating(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.LinearGradientFunctionValue
Sets whether this linear-gradient is a repeating-linear-gradient.
repeating() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.LinearGradientFunctionValue
Gets whether this is a repeating-linear-gradient.
replaceExistingWith(T) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
replaceExistingWith(Iterable<T>) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
replaceExistingWith(T) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Replaces all existing units with the given unit.
replaceExistingWith(Iterable<T>) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Replaces all existing units with the given units.
replaceTrueConditions(String...) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsConfig
Removes the currently set true conditions and adds the given true conditions.
replaceTrueConditions(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsConfig
Removes the currently set true conditions and adds the given true conditions.
replaceWith(T) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.AbstractGroupable
replaceWith(T) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.Groupable
Replaces this unit with the given one.
report(ErrorLevel, Syntax, String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.error.DefaultErrorManager
report(ParserException) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.error.DefaultErrorManager
report(SubscriptionException) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.error.DefaultErrorManager
report(ErrorLevel, Syntax, String) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.error.ErrorManager
Reports an error message.
report(ParserException) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.error.ErrorManager
Reports an error based on a ParserException.
report(SubscriptionException) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.error.ErrorManager
Reports an uncaught exception from a subscription method.
require(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.PluginRegistry
Specifies that a particular plugin is required as a dependency.
require(Class<T>, Supplier<T>) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.PluginRegistry
Same as PluginRegistry.require(Class), except this should be used for custom (non-library-provided) plugins.
requiresPrefixForAtRule(Prefix, String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Gets whether the given Prefix is required for the given at-rule, according to the supported browser versions.
requiresPrefixForFunction(Prefix, String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Gets whether the given Prefix is required for the given function name, according to the supported browser versions.
requiresPrefixForKeyword(Prefix, Keyword) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Gets whether the given Prefix is required for the given Keyword, according to the supported browser versions.
requiresPrefixForProperty(Prefix, Property) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Gets whether the given Prefix is required for the given Property, according to the supported browser versions.
requiresPrefixForSelector(Prefix, String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Gets whether the given Prefix is required for the given selector name, according to the supported browser versions.
reset() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.InterestBroadcaster
Clears all stored units that matched the expected type.
reset() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.SingleInterestBroadcaster
reset() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.TypeInterestBroadcaster
restriction(MediaRestriction) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQuery
Sets the media restriction (only|not).
restriction() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQuery
Gets the media restriction (only|not).
resume() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.QueuingBroadcaster
Resumes broadcasts.
rethrow(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.error.DefaultErrorManager
Specifies whether reported exceptions should be rethrown as encountered, instead of reported as another error message (default true).
retrieve(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.PluginRegistry
Retrieves the instance of the given Plugin type.
Rework - Annotation Type in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.annotation
Use this annotation to subscribe to Syntax objects when the method is expected to change or modify the object/source code.
rollback() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source.Snapshot
Reverts to the state (index, line, column, etc...) captured within this given snapshot.
rollback(String, Object...) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source.Snapshot
Similar to Source.Snapshot.rollback(), but this will also throw a ParserException with the given message and optional message args.
root(Broadcaster) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.EmittingBroadcaster
Specifies the top-level Broadcaster to pass along to Refine subscription methods.
Rule - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast
Represents a CSS Rule.
Rule() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Rule
Creates a new instance with no line or number specified (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
Rule(int, int) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Rule
Creates a new Rule instance with the given line and column numbers.
rule(Rule) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type Rule.
RuleBase() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents.RuleBase
ruleParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
ruleParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the RuleParser.
RuleParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser
Parses a Rule.
RuleParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.RuleParser
rules() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Stylesheet
Returns just the Rules within this Stylesheet (does not include at-rules or rules within at-rules).


Selector - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector
Represents a CSS selector.
Selector(RawSyntax) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Selector
Creates a new instance of a Selector with the given raw content.
Selector(SelectorPart...) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Selector
Creates a new instance with no line or number specified (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
Selector(Iterable<SelectorPart>) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Selector
Creates a new instance with no line or number specified (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
Selector(int, int, SelectorPart...) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Selector
Creates a new instance with the given line, number, and parts.
Selector(int, int, Iterable<SelectorPart>) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Selector
Creates a new instance with the given line, number, and parts.
selector(Selector) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type Selector.
SELECTOR_BEGIN - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
SELECTOR_DELIMITER - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
SELECTOR_END - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
selectorBegin() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
selectorBegin() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.TokenFactory
Gets the Token representing what the first character of a Selector must be.
selectorDelimiter() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
selectorDelimiter() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.TokenFactory
Gets the Token representing the delimiter between Selectors.
selectorEnd() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
selectorEnd() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.TokenFactory
Gets the Token representing what indicates the end of a Selector.
SelectorParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector
Parses a Selector.
SelectorParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector.SelectorParser
SelectorPart - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector
selectorPart(SelectorPart) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type SelectorPart (SimpleSelectors or Combinators).
SelectorPartType - Enum in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector
The type of selector or combinator for a SelectorPart.
SelectorPlugin - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax
Refines Selectors.
SelectorPlugin() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax.SelectorPlugin
selectors() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Rule
Gets the collection of selectors for this Rule.
Selectors - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.util
Utilities for working with Selectors and SelectorParts.
SelectorSequenceParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector
Parses a sequence of comma-separated selectors.
SelectorSequenceParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector.SelectorSequenceParser
self() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
self() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontDescriptor
self() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQuery
self() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQueryExpression
self() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.AbstractGroupable
Should return "this".
self() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.AbstractTerm
self() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
self() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Operator
self() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Rule
self() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.AbstractSelectorPart
self() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Selector
setConditional(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
Setter to indicate this at rule is a conditional rule (@if).
shouldBreakBroadcast(SubscriptionPhase) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
shouldBreakBroadcast(SubscriptionPhase) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
shouldBreakBroadcast(SubscriptionPhase) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
shouldBreakBroadcast(SubscriptionPhase) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.RawFunction
shouldBreakBroadcast(SubscriptionPhase) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Selector
shouldBreakBroadcast(SubscriptionPhase) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.Broadcastable
Gets whether an in-progress broadcast should be stopped.
shouldBroadcastForPhase(SubscriptionPhase) - Method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Status
Gets whether a Syntax unit with this status should be broadcasted.
shouldWriteAllComments() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Gets whether all comments will be written out.
shouldWriteAnnotatedComments() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Returns whether comments with annotations should be written out, even if StyleWriter.shouldWriteAllComments() is false.
shouldWriteBangComments() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Returns whether comments starting with '!' should be written out, even if StyleWriter.shouldWriteAllComments() is false.
shouldWriteName(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
Specifies whether the name should be written out.
shouldWriteName() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
Gets whether the name of the atRule should be written out.
SimpleSelector - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector
A simple selector, as defined by the Selectors Level 3 spec: "A simple selector is either a type selector, universal selector, attribute selector, class selector, ID selector, or pseudo-class."
simpleSelector(SimpleSelector) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type SimpleSelector.
simpleString(Syntax, boolean) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.As
Creates a simple toString representation of the given Syntax unit, based on how it would be output in CSS.
SimpleToken - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token
Mainly for use with custom GrammarPlugins that need to specify additional characters not already covered by Tokens.
SimpleToken(char) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token.SimpleToken
Creates a new instance matching the given character.
SimpleToken(char, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token.SimpleToken
Creates a new instance matching the given character and with the given description.
SingleInterestBroadcaster<T extends Broadcastable> - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast
An InterestBroadcaster that is interested in only a single broadcast of a particular type.
SingleInterestBroadcaster(Class<T>) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.SingleInterestBroadcaster
singleTextualValue() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValue
Gets the textual content of the only Term within this PropertyValue.
size() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
size() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Gets the number of units in the collection.
size() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.QueuingBroadcaster
Gets the count of the items currently in the queue.
skip() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Same as, except this returns this Source object instead of the character.
skipWhitepace() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
If the current character is whitespace then skip it along with all subsequent whitespace characters.
snapshot() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Creates a snapshot of the current index, line, column, and other essential state information.
source(CharSequence) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.Omakase
Specifies the CSS source to parse.
Source - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser
A tool for reading a String source one character at a time.
Source(CharSequence) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Creates a new instance of a Source, to be used for reading one character at a time from the given source.
Source(RawSyntax) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Creates a new instance of a Source, to be used for reading one character at a time from the content in the given RawSyntax.
Source(RawSyntax, boolean) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Creates a new instance of a Source, to be used for reading one character at a time from the content in the given RawSyntax.
Source(CharSequence, int, int) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Creates a new instance of a Source, to be used for reading one character at a time from the given source.
Source(CharSequence, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Creates a new instance of a Source, to be used for reading one character at a time from the given source.
Source.Snapshot - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser
space() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleAppendable
Appends a single space character.
spaceIf(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleAppendable
Appends a single space character only if the given condition is true.
spaceSeparatedArgs() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.CssAnnotation
Parses the arguments using spaces as the delimiter.
specialDeclarationBegin() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseTokenFactory
specialDeclarationBegin() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.TokenFactory
Gets the Token representing an optional special character that may appear before a normal property name in a Declaration.
split(OperatorType, PropertyValue) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Values
Splits the PropertyValue at the given operator.
splitPrefix(String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Prefixes
Splits a string into the vendor Prefix and unprefixed portions.
StandardParserFactory - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory
A ParserFactory for retrieving standard Parsers.
StandardTokenFactory - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory
A TokenFactory for retrieving standard Token objects.
StandardValidation - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.core
Enables all standard library-provided validations.
StandardValidation() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.core.StandardValidation
Creates a new StandardValidation instance that will also add an AutoRefine with AutoRefine.everything().
StandardValidation(boolean) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.core.StandardValidation
Creates a new StandardValidation instance that will also add an AutoRefine with AutoRefine.everything() as specified.
starHack(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
Sets if this PropertyName includes an IE7 star hack (
startsWithBang() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Comment
Returns whether the comment starts with ! (this is strict, no whitespace allowed between the opening comment and the bang).
Statement - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.ast
A top-level Syntax unit, for example a Rule or AtRule.
statement(Statement) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type Statement.
StatementIterable - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.ast
Contains a list of Statements.
statementParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
statementParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets a parser to parse a single statement (rule or at-rule).
statements() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontFaceBlock
statements() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.GenericAtRuleBlock
statements() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended.ConditionalAtRuleBlock
statements() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.StatementIterable
Gets the SyntaxCollection of statements within this unit.
statements() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Stylesheet
status(Status) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
status() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
Status - Enum in com.salesforce.omakase.ast
Represents the broadcast status of Syntax unit.
status(Status) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.Broadcastable
Sets the current broadcast status.
status() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.Broadcastable
Gets the current broadcast status of this unit.
stream() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
stream() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.SyntaxCollection
Returns a Stream over the contents.
string(Object) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.As
Creates a new string representation helper for the given object.
StringValue - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration
A string value, e.g., "Times New Roman".
StringValue(int, int, QuotationMode, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.StringValue
Constructs a new StringValue instance.
StringValue(QuotationMode, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.StringValue
Constructs a new StringValue instance (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
stringValue(StringValue) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type StringValue.
StringValueParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration
Parses a StringValue.
StringValueParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.StringValueParser
stringValueParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
stringValueParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the StringValueParser.
StyleAppendable - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.writer
A wrapper around an Appendable that provides a few convenience functions.
StyleAppendable() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleAppendable
Creates a new StyleAppendable using a StringBuilder.
StyleAppendable(Appendable) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleAppendable
Creates a new StyleAppendable using the given Appendable.
Stylesheet - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast
The root-level Syntax object.
Stylesheet() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Stylesheet
Constructs a new Stylesheet instance.
stylesheet(Stylesheet) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type Stylesheet.
stylesheet(Stylesheet) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.core.SyntaxTree
Sets the stylesheet.
stylesheet() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.core.SyntaxTree
Gets the Stylesheet instance.
stylesheetParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
stylesheetParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the StylesheetParser.
StylesheetParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser
Parses a top-level Stylesheet.
StylesheetParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.StylesheetParser
StyleWriter - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.writer
The main class for writing processed CSS content.
StyleWriter() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Creates a new StyleWriter instance using WriterMode.INLINE.
StyleWriter(WriterMode) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Creates a new StyleWriter instance using the given WriterMode.
Subscribable - Annotation Type in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.annotation
Indicates that a Syntax unit can be subscribed to within a Plugin.
SubscriptionException - Exception in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.emitter
An error that occurs while invoking a subscription method.
SubscriptionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.emitter.SubscriptionException
Constructs a new SubscriptionException with the given message.
SubscriptionException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.emitter.SubscriptionException
Construct a new SubscriptionException with the given message and parameters.
SubscriptionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.emitter.SubscriptionException
SubscriptionPhase - Enum in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.emitter
The difference phases in the parsing lifecycle.
summarize() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.error.DefaultErrorManager
summarize() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.error.ErrorManager
Returns a summary of errors.
support() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.prefixer.Prefixer
Gets the SupportMatrix instance which can be used to indicate which browser versions are supported.
supportedBrowsers() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Gets the list of all designated supported Browsers.
SupportMatrix - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.util
Represents a set of supported browser versions.
SupportMatrix() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
SUPPORTS_BLOCK - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
SUPPORTS_EXPR - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
supportsBrowser(Browser) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Gets whether any version of the given Browser is supported.
SupportsPlugin - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax
Refines (generically) the supports at-rule (@supports).
SupportsPlugin() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax.SupportsPlugin
supportsVersion(Browser, int) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Gets whether the specified version of the given Browser is supported.
supportsVersion(Browser, double) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Gets whether the specified version of the given Browser is supported.
supportsVersionOrLower(Browser, double) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
Gets whether the specified version or lower of the browser is supported.
Syntax - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.ast
A distinct unit of syntax within CSS.
syntax(Syntax) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for ALL Syntax units.
SyntaxCollection<P,T extends Groupable<P,T>> - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection
A collection of related Syntax units.
SyntaxTree - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.core
A plugin that stores the parsed Stylesheet object.
SyntaxTree() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.core.SyntaxTree


Term - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration
A PropertyValueMember within a PropertyValue representing a single segment of the Declaration value.
term(Term) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type Term.
termParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
termParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the parser to parse a Term value.
terms(Iterable<PropertyValueMember>) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQueryExpression
Sets the terms and operators in this MediaQueryExpression.
terms() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQueryExpression
Gets the list of terms and operators.
terms() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValue
Gets the list of Terms currently in this PropertyValue (as opposed to PropertyValue.members() which returns both terms and operators).
TermSequenceParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration
Parses a sequence of both Terms and Operators.
TermSequenceParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.TermSequenceParser
termSequenceParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
termSequenceParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the TermSequenceParser.
textualValue() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.GenericFunctionValue
Gets the raw arguments.
textualValue() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.HexColorValue
Gets the color value (does not include the #).
textualValue() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.KeywordValue
Gets the keyword value.
textualValue() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.LinearGradientFunctionValue
Gets the raw function arguments.
textualValue() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
Returns the sign (if explicitly present), the number, and the unit (if present).
textualValue() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.StringValue
Gets the content of the string.
textualValue() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Term
Gets the textual content of this term.
textualValue() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.UnicodeRangeValue
Gets the unicode-range value.
textualValue() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.UrlFunctionValue
Gets the url (does not includes quotes).
textualValue() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended.UnquotedIEFilter
Gets the content.
THREE_PARAMS - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
toComment(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.CssAnnotation
Creates a new Comment instance using this annotation as the content.
token() - Method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.OperatorType
token() - Method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.CombinatorType
token() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Grammar
Gets the TokenFactory.
Token - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token
A matcher for a single character.
token() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token.TokenEnum
Gets the token represented by the enum constant.
TokenEnum - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token
For Enums that are members of Syntax units and are associated with a specific Token.
TokenFactory - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory
A factory for retrieving various Tokens during parsing and refinement.
Tokens - Enum in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token
List of Tokens.
toString() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
toString(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
toString() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.LinkedSyntaxCollection
toString() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Comment
toString() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.CssAnnotation
toString(boolean) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.BroadcastRequirement
toString() - Method in enum
toString() - Method in enum
toString() - Method in enum
toString() - Method in enum
toString() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
toString() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token.CompoundToken
toString() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsConfig
toString() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.core.SyntaxTree
toString() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.As
toString() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.SupportMatrix
toString() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleAppendable
toString() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
toStringContextual() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
An alternative to Source.toString() that limits the returned string to 75 characters before and after the current position in the source.
TRAILING - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
TRAILING_AND - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
TRAILING_COMBINATOR - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
TRAILING_OPERATOR - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
trimDoubleQuotes(String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Args
Strips matching double quotes from the given string.
trimParens(String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Args
Removes the opening and closing parens, only if the first character is a '(' and last character is a ')' (whitespace is trimmed before doing this check).
trimQuotesSimple(String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Args
Strips matching, encasing quotes (" or ') from the given string.
trueConditions() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsConfig
Returns an immutable copy of the trueConditions set.
TWO_PARAMS - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
type(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQuery
Sets the media type (e.g., "screen" or "all").
type() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQuery
Gets the media type, if present.
type() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Operator
Gets the OperatorType.
type() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.AttributeSelector
type() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.ClassSelector
type() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Combinator
type() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.IdSelector
type() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.KeyframeSelector
type() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.PseudoClassSelector
type() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.PseudoElementSelector
type() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.SelectorPart
Gets the SelectorPartType of this SelectorPart.
type() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.TypeSelector
type() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.UniversalSelector
TypeInterestBroadcaster<T> - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast
An InterestBroadcaster that is interested in all broadcasts of a particular type.
TypeInterestBroadcaster(Class<T>) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.TypeInterestBroadcaster
typeOrUniversaleSelectorParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
typeOrUniversaleSelectorParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the parser to parse a TypeSelector or a UniversalSelectorParser.
TypeSelector - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector
Represents a CSS type selector (also known as an element type selector).
TypeSelector(int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.TypeSelector
Constructs a new TypeSelector instance with the given name.
TypeSelector(String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.TypeSelector
Creates a new instance with no line or number specified (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
typeSelector(TypeSelector) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type TypeSelector.
typeSelectorParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
typeSelectorParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the TypeSelectorParser.
TypeSelectorParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector
Parses TypeSelectors.
TypeSelectorParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector.TypeSelectorParser


UNEXPECTED_AFTER_QUOTE - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
UNEXPECTED_EXPRESSION_FONT_FACE - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
UNEXPECTED_KEYFRAME_NAME - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
UNEXPECTED_NESTED_CONDITIONAL_AT_RULE - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
UNICODE_LONG - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
UnicodeRangeValue - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration
A unicode-range value (e.g., from within a @font-face rule).
UnicodeRangeValue(int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.UnicodeRangeValue
Constructs a new instance of a UnicodeRangeValue.
UnicodeRangeValue(String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.UnicodeRangeValue
Constructs a new instance of a UnicodeRangeValue (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
UnicodeRangeValue(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.UnicodeRangeValue
Constructs a new instance of a UnicodeRangeValue (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
unicodeRangeValue(UnicodeRangeValue) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type UnicodeRangeValue.
UnicodeRangeValueParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration
UnicodeRangeValueParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.declaration.UnicodeRangeValueParser
unicodeRangeValueParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
unicodeRangeValueParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the UnicodeRangeValueParser.
unindent() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleAppendable
Decreases the indentation level.
unindentIf(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleAppendable
Decreases the indentation level only if the given condition is true.
UNIQUE_PLUGIN - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
unit(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
Sets the unit, e.g., px or em.
unit() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
Gets the unit.
UniversalSelector - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector
Represents the CSS universal selector, i.e., "*".
UniversalSelector(int, int) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.UniversalSelector
Constructs a new UniversalSelector instance.
UniversalSelector() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.UniversalSelector
Creates a new instance with no line or number specified (used for dynamically created Syntax units).
universalSelector(UniversalSelector) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type UniversalSelector.
universalSelectorParser() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.BaseParserFactory
universalSelectorParser() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.parser.factory.ParserFactory
Gets the UniversalSelectorParser.
UniversalSelectorParser - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector
UniversalSelectorParser() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.selector.UniversalSelectorParser
unlink() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.AbstractGroupable
unlink() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.collection.Groupable
Severs the connection between this unit and its collection.
UNPARSABLE_CONDITIONAL_CONTENT - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
UNPARSABLE_DECLARATION_VALUE - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
UNPARSABLE_FONT_FACE - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
UNPARSABLE_KEYFRAMES - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
UNPARSABLE_MEDIA - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
UNPARSABLE_SELECTOR - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
UNPARSABLE_SUPPORTS - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
unprefixed() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
Gets the unprefixed property name.
unprefixed() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Prefixes.PrefixPair
Gets the remainder of the name after the prefix, or the whole name if a prefix was not present.
unprefixed(String) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Prefixes
Gets the unprefixed portion of the given name.
unprefixedName() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.LinearGradientFunctionValue
Gets the name of the function without the prefix, is present.
UnquotedIEFilter - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended
MS filter junk.
UnquotedIEFilter(int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended.UnquotedIEFilter
Creates a new UnquotedIEFilter instance.
unquotedIEFilter(UnquotedIEFilter) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type UnquotedIEFilter (only enabled with the UnquotedIEFilterPlugin plugin.
UnquotedIEFilterPlugin - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax
This plugin enables unquoted IE proprietary filters.
UnquotedIEFilterPlugin() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax.UnquotedIEFilterPlugin
until(Token) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.parser.Source
Advances the current character position until the current character matches the given Token.
url(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.UrlFunctionValue
Sets the url (do not include quotes).
url() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.UrlFunctionValue
Gets the url (does not includes quotes).
UrlFunctionValue - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration
Represents a url function value.
UrlFunctionValue(int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.UrlFunctionValue
Creates a new UrlFunctionValue instance.
UrlFunctionValue(String) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.UrlFunctionValue
Creates a new UrlFunctionValue instance.
UrlPlugin - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax
UrlPlugin() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.syntax.UrlPlugin
urlValue(UrlFunctionValue) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.BasePlugin
Override this method and add the Rework, Observe or Validate annotation in order to receive events for Syntax units of type UrlFunctionValue.
use(Plugin...) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.Omakase.Request
Registers a plugin to process or utilize the parsed source code.
use(Iterable<? extends Plugin>) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.Omakase.Request
Registers a plugin to process or utilize the parsed source code.
use(ErrorManager) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.Omakase.Request
Specifies a custom error manager to use.


Validate - Annotation Type in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.annotation
Use this annotation for methods that validate and report errors to an ErrorManager.
validate(ConditionalAtRuleBlock, ErrorManager) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.conditionals.ConditionalsValidator
Validation method.
validate(PseudoElementSelector, ErrorManager) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.validator.PseudoElementValidator
Validates that the pseudo element is always last, as according to the CSS spec.
value(int) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
Sets the numerical value.
value(double) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
Sets the numerical value with a decimal point.
value() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
Gets the numerical value as a string.
value(String) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.UnicodeRangeValue
Sets the unicode-range value (will be converted to lower-case).
value() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.UnicodeRangeValue
Gets the unicode-range value.
value() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.AttributeSelector
Gets the match value, if present.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaRestriction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue.Sign
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.OperatorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.QuotationMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.AttributeMatchType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.CombinatorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.SelectorPartType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.BroadcastRequirement
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.emitter.SubscriptionPhase
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.error.ErrorLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token.Tokens
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.core.AutoRefine.Match
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.writer.WriterMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaRestriction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue.Sign
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.OperatorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.QuotationMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.AttributeMatchType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.CombinatorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.SelectorPartType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.BroadcastRequirement
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.emitter.SubscriptionPhase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.error.ErrorLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.parser.token.Tokens
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.plugin.core.AutoRefine.Match
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Values - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.util
Utilities for working with PropertyValues and Terms.
values() - Static method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.writer.WriterMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verbose() - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Creates a new StyleWriter with WriterMode.VERBOSE mode.
versions() - Method in enum
Gets the list of browser versions, descending order (latest first).
visit(Broadcaster, Status) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.VisitingBroadcaster
Calls Broadcastable.propagateBroadcast(Broadcaster, Status) on the top unit using the given Broadcaster and status.
VisitingBroadcaster - Class in com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast
A broadcaster that can replay the broadcast chain on demand.
VisitingBroadcaster() - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.VisitingBroadcaster
Creates a new VisitingBroadcaster.
VisitingBroadcaster(Broadcaster) - Constructor for class com.salesforce.omakase.broadcast.VisitingBroadcaster
Creates a new VisitingBroadcaster and calls AbstractBroadcaster.chain(Broadcaster) on this instance, passing in the given Broadcaster.


walkAll() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents.AtRuleBase
walkAll() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents.Base
walkAll() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents.EquivalentWalker
Specifies whether we should walk all peers, or stop when a peer does not match.
walkAll() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Equivalents.RuleBase
warnings(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.error.DefaultErrorManager
Specifies whether to include warning messages in the summary (default true).
WILDCARD_NOT_ALLOWED - Static variable in class com.salesforce.omakase.Message
within(StatementIterable) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Declarations
Finds all Declarations within the given StatementIterable (e.g., a Stylesheet or AtRuleBlock).
within(StatementIterable, boolean) - Static method in class com.salesforce.omakase.util.Declarations
Finds all Declarations within the given StatementIterable (e.g., a Stylesheet or AtRuleBlock).
Writable - Interface in com.salesforce.omakase.writer
Indicates that something can be written to a StyleAppendable.
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.AtRule
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontDescriptor
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontFaceBlock
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.GenericAtRuleBlock
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.GenericAtRuleExpression
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQuery
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQueryExpression
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaQueryList
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MediaRestriction
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.MetadataExpression
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Comment
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.GenericFunctionValue
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.HexColorValue
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.KeywordValue
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.LinearGradientFunctionValue
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.NumericalValue
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Operator
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.OperatorType
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyName
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.PropertyValue
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.StringValue
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.UnicodeRangeValue
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.UrlFunctionValue
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended.Conditional
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended.ConditionalAtRuleBlock
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.extended.UnquotedIEFilter
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.RawFunction
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.RawSyntax
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Rule
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in enum com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.AttributeMatchType
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.AttributeSelector
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.ClassSelector
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Combinator
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.IdSelector
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.KeyframeSelector
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.PseudoClassSelector
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.PseudoElementSelector
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Selector
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.TypeSelector
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.UniversalSelector
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Stylesheet
write(T, StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.writer.CustomWriter
Writes the given unit to the given StyleAppendable.
write() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Writes the entire processed stylesheet to a string.
write(StyleWriter, StyleAppendable) - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.writer.Writable
Outputs this Writable's string representation.
writeAllComments(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Sets whether all comments will be written out.
writeAnnotatedComments(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Sets whether comments with annotations should be written out, even if StyleWriter.shouldWriteAllComments() is false.
writeBangComments(boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Returns whether comments starting with '!' should be written out, even if StyleWriter.shouldWriteAllComments() is false.
writeInner(T, StyleAppendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Writes the given syntax unit to the given StyleAppendable, taking into account any CustomWriter overrides specified on this StyleWriter.
writeInner(T, StyleAppendable, boolean) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Writes the given syntax unit to the given StyleAppendable.
WriterMode - Enum in com.salesforce.omakase.writer
The various levels of compression and minification for output.
writeSingle(Writable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
The easiest way to get the output of a single Writable instance.
writesOwnComments() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
writesOwnComments() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontDescriptor
writesOwnComments() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.declaration.Declaration
writesOwnComments() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.selector.Selector
writesOwnComments() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
Specifies whether this object will handle writing its own comments, instead of the automatic behavior of the StyleWriter.
writesOwnOrphanedComments() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.AbstractSyntax
writesOwnOrphanedComments() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.FontFaceBlock
writesOwnOrphanedComments() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.atrule.GenericAtRuleBlock
writesOwnOrphanedComments() - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Rule
writesOwnOrphanedComments() - Method in interface com.salesforce.omakase.ast.Syntax
Specifies whether this object will handle writing its own orphaned comments, instead of the automatic behavior of the StyleWriter.
writeTo(Appendable) - Method in class com.salesforce.omakase.writer.StyleWriter
Writes the entire processed stylesheet to the given Appendable.
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