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Cantor Events are multi-dimensional time-series data points; where each data point has a timestamp (in milliseconds) along with some arbitrary key/value pairs as metadata (where values are strings), some arbitrary key/value pairs as dimensions (where values are doubles), and optionally a byte array payload attached to an event.

An event looks like this:

    "timestampMillis": 1616011054775,
    "metadata": {
        "metadataKey1": "a",
        "metadataKey2": "b",
        "metadataKey3": "c"
    "dimensions": {
        "dimensionsKey1": 0.1,
        "dimensionsKey2": 0.2,
        "dimensionsKey3": 0.3
    "payload": "QmFzZTY0IGVuY29kZWQ="


To make HTTP calls in local testing environment, use this base URL: http://localhost:8084.

For convenience, you can use Cantor Swagger UI, which comes with your local cantor instance, to compose the full custom URL for your API calls. Full URL to each API endpoint's Swagger UI page is linked on each endpoint below. Remember to spin up your local cantor HTTP server instance before you click on any Swagger UI link on this page.

Most of the Events API endpoints need required and/or optional URL parameters. Required URL parameters are shown as part of endpoint's path, while optional URL parameters, if existed, are given below. Only one endpoint (i.e. POST ​/api​/events​/{namespace}) needs data parameters.

GET /api/events

Get all event namespaces.

Sample Code:

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8084/api/events" -H "accept: application/json"

GET /api/events/{namespace}

Get all events under a specific namespace.

Optional URL Paramemter(s):

  • start: integer

    UNIX Time.

  • end: integer

    UNIX Time.

  • metadata_query: string array

    There are two kinds of metadata query you can use:

    • exact match, e.g. ["host=localhost"] matches only the events whose metadata value for metadata key host is exactly localhost

    • regex match using ~ and *, e.g. ["host=~prod-*-example"] matches only the events whose metadata value for metadata key host starts with prod- and ends with -example

  • dimensions_query: string array

    You can also use =, <, <=, >= or > as part of dimensions query, e.g. ["cpu>=0.3"] matches only the events whose dimension value for dimension key cpu has a value higher than or equal to 0.3.

  • include_payloads: boolean

    Defaulted to false. Responses will include the payload of the events if set to true.

  • ascending: boolean

    Defaulted to true. Events returned will be sorted in ascending order if set to true and vice versa.

  • limit: integer

    Defaulted to 0, which puts no limit on the number of events returned. If specified, this parameter limits the maximum number of events returned.

Sample Code:

This mock HTTP call returns a list of events under namespace test-namespace between starting timestamp 1616011054000 and ending timestamp 1616011055000, where alll values for the metadata key host starts with na4- (["host=~na4-*"]) and alll values for the dimension key cpu is larger than or equal to 0.3 (["cpu>=0.3"]).

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8084/api/events/test-namespace?start=1616011054000&end=1616011055000&metadata_query=host%3D~na4-%2A&dimensions_query=cpu%3C%3D0.5&ascending=true" -H "accept: application/json"

GET /api/events/{namespace}/metadata/{metadata}

Get all existing metadata values, for an event metadata key, under a specific event namespace.

Optional URL Paramemter(s):

  • start: integer

    UNIX Time.

  • end: integer

    UNIX Time.API

  • metadata_query: string array

    There are two kinds of metadata query you can use:

    • exact match, e.g. ["host=localhost"] matches only the events whose metadata value for metadata key host is exactly localhost

    • regex match using ~ and *, e.g. ["host=~prod-*-example"] matches only the events whose metadata value for metadata key host starts with prod- and ends with -example

  • dimensions_query: string array

    You can also use =, <, <=, >= or > as part of dimensions query, e.g. ["cpu>=0.3"] matches only the events whose dimension value for dimension key cpu has a value higher than or equal to 0.3.

Sample Code:

This mock HTTP call returns all possible metadata values for the metadata key os under namespace test-namespace, between starting timestamp 1616011054000 and ending timestamp 1616011055000, with the metadata query ["host=~*-search"] and dimensions query ["mem<0.8"].

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8084/api/events/test-namespace/metadata/os?start=1616011054000&end=1616011055000&metadata_query=host%3D~%2A-search&dimensions_query=mem%3C0.8" -H "accept: application/json"

POST ​/api​/events​/{namespace}

Add event(s) under an event namespace.

Data Paramemter(s):

Include events to be added, e.g.

        "timestampMillis": 1616011054774,
        "metadata": {
            "metadataKey1": "a"
        "payload": "QmFzZTY0IGVuY29kZWQ="
        "timestampMillis": 1616011054775,
        "dimensions": {
            "dimensionsKey2": 0.5
        "timestampMillis": 1616011054776,
        "metadata": {
            "metadataKey3": "a"
        "dimensions": {
            "dimensionsKey1": 0.1,
            "dimensionsKey3": 0.18

Sample Code:

This mock HTTP call stores an event (schema defined right above) under the event namespace test-namespace.

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8084/api/events/test-namespace" -H "accept: */*" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "[{\"timestampMillis\":1616011054774,\"metadata\":{\"metadataKey1\":\"a\"},\"payload\":\"QmFzZTY0IGVuY29kZWQ=\"},{\"timestampMillis\":1616011054775,\"dimensions\":{\"dimensionsKey2\":0.5}},{\"timestampMillis\":1616011054776,\"metadata\":{\"metadataKey3\":\"a\"},\"dimensions\":{\"dimensionsKey1\":0.1,\"dimensionsKey3\":0.18}}]"

PUT /api​/events​/{namespace}

Create an event namespace.

Sample Code:

This mock HTTP call adds the event namespace test-namespace.

curl -X PUT "http://localhost:8084/api/events/test-namespace" -H "accept: */*"

DELETE ​/api​/events​/{namespace}

Drop an event namespace.

Sample Code:

This mock HTTP call drops the event namespace test-namespace.

curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8084/api/events/test-namespace" -H "accept: */*"

DELETE /api​/events​/expire​/{namespace}​/{endTimestampMillis}

Expire old events under a specific event namespace before the given timestamp.

Sample Code:

This mock HTTP call sets all events under the event namespace test-namespace to expire before UNIX time 1616020000, which is March 17, 2021, at 8:43pm in UTC.

curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8084/api/events/expire/test-namespace/1616020000" -H "accept: */*"


To make use of Cantor's gRPC client in local testing environment, make sure you have a local cantor gRPC server instance running.


Get all event namespaces.

Method Signature(s):

  • Collection<String> namespaces() throws IOException

Sample Code:

import com.salesforce.cantor.grpc.CantorOnGrpc;
class Scratch {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        CantorOnGrpc cantor = new CantorOnGrpc("localhost:7443");


Create an event namespace.

Method Signature(s):

  • void create(String namespace) throws IOException

Sample Code:

This following code creates an event namespace dev-namespace.

import com.salesforce.cantor.grpc.CantorOnGrpc;
class Scratch {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        CantorOnGrpc cantor = new CantorOnGrpc("localhost:7443");"dev-namespace");


Add event(s) under an event namespace.

Method Signature(s):

For storing a single event:

  • void store(String namespace, Event event) throws IOException

  • void store(String namespace, long timestampMillis, Map<String, String> metadata, Map<String, Double> dimensions) throws IOException

  • void store(String namespace, long timestampMillis, Map<String, String> metadata, Map<String, Double> dimensions, byte[] payload) throws IOException

For storing multiple events:

  • void store(String namespace, Collection<Event> batch) throws IOException

Sample Code:

This following code stores a single event (with metadata, dimensions and payload) under event namespace dev-namespace.

import com.salesforce.cantor.grpc.CantorOnGrpc;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Collections;
class Scratch {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        CantorOnGrpc cantor = new CantorOnGrpc("localhost:7443");
        // remember to create the event namespace first"dev-namespace", System.currentTimeMillis(), Collections.singletonMap("metadataKey1", "testValue"), Collections.singletonMap("dimensionsKey2", 5.9), "Hello!".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));


Get all events under a specific namespace.


  • startTimestampMillis: Start timestamp in UNIX time.

  • endTimestampMillis: End timestamp in UNIX time.

  • metadataQuery: There are two kinds of metadata query you can use:

    • exact match, e.g. Collections.singletonMap("host", "=localhost") matches only the events whose metadata value for metadata key host is exactly localhost

    • regex match using ~ and *, e.g. Collections.singletonMap("host", "=~prod-*-example") matches only the events whose metadata value for metadata key host starts with prod- and ends with -example

  • dimensionsQuery: You can also use =, <, <=, >= or > as part of dimensions query, e.g. a Collections.singletonMap("cpu", >=0.3") matches only the events whose dimension value for dimension key cpu has a value higher than or equal to 0.3.

  • includePayloads: Defaulted to false. Responses will include the payload of the events if set to true.

  • ascending: Defaulted to true. Events returned will be sorted in ascending order if set to true and vice versa.

  • limit: Defaulted to 0, which puts no limit on the number of events returned. If specified, this parameter limits the maximum number of events returned.

Method Signature(s):

List<Event> get(String namespace,
                long startTimestampMillis,
                long endTimestampMillis) throws IOException
List<Event> get(String namespace,
                long startTimestampMillis,
                long endTimestampMillis,
                boolean includePayloads) throws IOException
List<Event> get(String namespace,
                long startTimestampMillis,
                long endTimestampMillis,
                Map<String, String> metadataQuery,
                Map<String, String> dimensionsQuery) throws IOException 
List<Event> get(String namespace,
                long startTimestampMillis,
                long endTimestampMillis,
                Map<String, String> metadataQuery,
                Map<String, String> dimensionsQuery,
                boolean includePayloads) throws IOException
List<Event> get(String namespace,
                long startTimestampMillis,
                long endTimestampMillis,
                Map<String, String> metadataQuery,
                Map<String, String> dimensionsQuery,
                boolean includePayloads,
                boolean ascending,
                int limit) throws IOException

Sample Code:

import com.salesforce.cantor.grpc.CantorOnGrpc;

class Scratch {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        CantorOnGrpc cantor = new CantorOnGrpc("localhost:7443");
        System.out.println("dev-namespace", System.currentTimeMillis() - 60000, System.currentTimeMillis(), false));


Get distinct metadata values for the given metadata key for events in the given namespace, with timestamp between the startTimestampMillis and endTimestampMillis, metadata and dimensions matching the given queries(metadataQuery and dimensionsQuery).

Method Signature(s):

Set<String> metadata(String namespace,
                     String metadataKey,
                     long startTimestampMillis,
                     long endTimestampMillis,
                     Map<String, String> metadataQuery,
                     Map<String, String> dimensionsQuery) throws IOException

Sample Code:

import com.salesforce.cantor.grpc.CantorOnGrpc;
import java.util.Collections;

class Scratch {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        CantorOnGrpc cantor = new CantorOnGrpc("localhost:7443");
        System.out.println("dev-namespace", 0, System.currentTimeMillis(), Collections.singletonMap("metadataKey1", "=~test*"), null));


Drop an event namespace.

Method Signature(s):

  • void drop(String namespace) throws IOException

Sample Code:

import com.salesforce.cantor.grpc.CantorOnGrpc;

class Scratch {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        CantorOnGrpc cantor = new CantorOnGrpc("localhost:7443");"dev-namespace");


Expire all events with timestamp before the given end timestamp.

Method Signature(s):

  • void expire(String namespace, long endTimestampMillis)

Sample Code:

import com.salesforce.cantor.grpc.CantorOnGrpc;

class Scratch {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        CantorOnGrpc cantor = new CantorOnGrpc("localhost:7443");"dev-namespace", 1616031010483);

Use Case

Any time-series data fits will as a use case for events. Keep a log of requests to your web-service, with query parameters and headers as metadata. Add response size, request latency, and number of errors as dimensions. You could even store the response body as a payload. Metadata and dimension keys do not have to be defined beforehand, so new keys can crop up at runtime without needing to change any schema or config.