.. role:: file (code)
  :language: shell
  :class: highlight

.. image:: _static/logai_logo.jpg
   :width: 650
   :align: center

Getting Started


You can install LogAI core library using :file:`pip install`:

.. code-block:: shell

    # Check out LogAI code repo from Github
    git clone https://git.soma.salesforce.com/SalesforceResearch/logai.git
    cd logai

    # [Optional] Create virtual environment
    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate

    # Install LogAI
    pip install logai

Install Optional Dependencies

LogAI core library is light-weight with limited dependent packages installed. Users can install optional dependencies
to enable extended functionalities of LogAI.

**Deep Learning Log Analysis**. To conduct deep learning model related tasks and run benchmarking,
please install extra requirements by :file:`pip install "logai[deep-learning]"`.

**Enable LogAI GUI portal***. To use LogAI GUI portal,
please install extra requirements by :file:`pip install "logai[gui]"`.

**LogAI Development**. To contribute to LogAI development, build and test code changes,
please install extra requirements by :file:`pip install "logai[dev]"`.

**Complete installation**. you can install the full list of dependencies by :file:`pip install "logai[all]"`.

Use LogAI

Below we briefly introduce several ways to explore and use LogAI, including exploring LogAI GUI
portal, benchmarking deep-learning based log anomaly detection using LogAI, and building your
own log analysis application with LogAI.

Explore LogAI GUI Portal

You can also start a local LogAI service and use the GUI portal to explore LogAI.

.. code-block:: shell

    # Check out LogAI code repo from Github
    git clone https://git.soma.salesforce.com/SalesforceResearch/logai.git
    cd logai

    # [Optional] Create virtual environment
    python3 -m venv venv # create virtual environment
    source venv/bin/activate # activate virtual env

    # install LogAI and GUI dependencies
    pip install ".[dev]"
    pip install ".[gui]"

    # Start LogAI service
    export PYTHONPATH='.'  # make sure to add current root to PYTHONPATH
    python3 gui/application.py # Run local plotly dash server.

Then open the LogAI portal via :file:`http://localhost:8050/` or :file:`` in your browser:

.. image:: _static/logai_summarization_res.png
   :width: 750

Run Simple Time-series Anomaly Detection Application

You can also use LogAI in more programtic ways. LogAI supports configuration files in `.json` or `.yaml`.
Below is a sample `log_anomaly_detection_config.json` configuration for anomaly detection application.
Make sure to set `filepath` to the target log dataset file path.

.. code-block:: json

          "open_set_data_loader_config": {
            "dataset_name": "HDFS",
            "filepath": ""
          "preprocessor_config": {
          "log_parser_config": {
            "parsing_algorithm": "drain",
            "parsing_algo_params": {
              "sim_th": 0.5,
              "depth": 5
          "feature_extractor_config": {
              "group_by_category": ["Level"],
              "group_by_time": "1s"
          "log_vectorizer_config": {
              "algo_name": "word2vec"
          "categorical_encoder_config": {
              "name": "label_encoder"
          "anomaly_detection_config": {
              "algo_name": "one_class_svm"

Then to run log anomaly detection. You can simply create below python script:

.. code-block:: python

    import json

    from logai.applications.application_interfaces import WorkFlowConfig
    from logai.applications.log_anomaly_detection import LogAnomalyDetection

    # path to json configuration file
    json_config = "./log_anomaly_detection_config.json"

    # Create log anomaly detection application workflow configuration
    config = json.loads(json_config)
    workflow_config = WorkFlowConfig.from_dict(config)

    # Create LogAnomalyDetection Application for given workflow_config
    app = LogAnomalyDetection(workflow_config)

    # Execute App

Then you can check anomaly detection results by calling :file:`app.anomaly_results`.

For full context of this example please check
`Tutorial: Use Log Anomaly Detection Application

Build Customized LogAI Applications
You can build your own customized log analysis applications using LogAI. Here we show two examples:

* `Tutorial: Log Clustering Using LogAI <https://github.com/salesforce/logai/blob/main/examples/jupyter_notebook/tutorial_log_clustering.ipynb>`_

* `Tutorial: Log Anomaly Detection Using LogAI <https://github.com/salesforce/logai/blob/main/examples/jupyter_notebook/tutorial_log_anomaly_detection.ipynb>`_

Deep-learning Anomaly Detection Benchmarking

LogAI can be used to benchmark deep-learning anomaly detection results.
A `tutorial <https://github.com/salesforce/logai/blob/main/examples/jupyter_notebook/tutorial_deep_ad.md>`_ is provided for
Anomaly Detection Benchmarking using LSTM anomaly detector for HDFS Dataset. More examples of deep-learning anomaly
detection benchmarking on different datasets and algorithms can be found in
`Deep Anomaly Detection Benchmarking Examples <https://github.com/salesforce/logai/tree/main/examples/jupyter_notebook/nn_ad_benchmarking>`_.