.. role:: file (code) :language: shell :class: highlight Developers' Guide ============================ This guide if for people who want to contribute to LogAI codebase. The guide includes how to run and test LogAI in local environment. Install dependencies ---------------------------- .. code-block:: shell git clone https://github.com/salesforce/logai.git cd logai python3 -m venv venv # create virtual environment source venv/bin/activate # activate virtual env pip install -r requirement.txt Build wheels package ---------------------------- .. code-block:: shell python setup.py bdist_wheel Then you can find the .whl package in :file:`./dist/`. Install Log-AI from wheels ---------------------------- .. code-block:: shell pip install logai-{version}-py2.py3-none-any.whl Use GUI to explore LogAI ---------------------------- .. code-block:: shell export PYTHONPATH='.' # make sure to add current root to PYTHONPATH python3 gui/application.py # Run local plotly dash server. Then open the LogAI portal via :file:`http://localhost:8050/` or :file:`` in your browser: .. image:: _static/log_summarization.png :width: 750