merlion.transform package ========================= This package provides a number of useful data pre-processing transforms. Each transform is a callable object that inherits either from `TransformBase` or `InvertibleTransformBase`. We will introduce the key features of transform objects using the `Rescale` class. You may initialize a ``transform`` in three ways: .. code-block:: python from merlion.transform.factory import TransformFactory from merlion.transform.normalize import Rescale # Use the initializer transform = Rescale(bias=5.0, scale=3.2) # Use the class's from_dict() method with the arguments you would normally # give to the initializer kwargs = dict(bias=5.0, scale=3.2) transform = Rescale.from_dict(kwargs) # Use the TransformFactory with the class's name, and the keyword arguments # you would normally give to the inializer transform = TransformFactory.create("Rescale", **kwargs) After initializing a ``transform``, one may use it as follows: .. code-block:: python transform.train(time_series) # set any trainable params transformed = transform(time_series) # apply the transform to the time series inverted = transform.invert(transformed) # invert the transform state_dict = transform.to_dict() # serialize to a JSON-compatible dict Note that ``transform.invert()`` is supported even if the transform doesn't inherit from `InvertibleTransformBase`! In this case, ``transform.invert()`` implements a *pseudo*-inverse that may not recover the original ``time_series`` exactly. Additionally, the dict returned by ``transform.to_dict()`` is exactly the same as the dict expected by the class method ``TransformCls.from_dict()``. .. automodule:: merlion.transform :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Base primitives: .. autosummary:: factory base sequence Resampling: .. autosummary:: resample moving_average Normalization: .. autosummary:: bound normalize Miscellaneous: .. autosummary:: anomalize Base primitives --------------- transform.factory ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: merlion.transform.factory :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: transform.base ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: merlion.transform.base :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: transform.sequence ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: merlion.transform.sequence :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Resampling ---------- transform.resample ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: merlion.transform.resample :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: transform.moving\_average ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: merlion.transform.moving_average :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Normalization ------------- transform.normalize ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: merlion.transform.normalize :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: transform.bound ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: merlion.transform.bound :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Miscellaneous ------------- transform.anomalize ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: merlion.transform.anomalize :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: