merlion.spark package ===================== This module implements APIs to integrate Merlion with PySpark. The expected use case is to use distributed computing to train and run inference on multiple time series in parallel. There are two ways to use the PySpark API: directly invoking the Spark apps ``spark_apps/`` and ``spark_apps/`` from the command line with either ``python`` or ``spark-submit``, or using the Dockerfile to serve a Spark application on a Kubernetes cluster with ``spark-on-k8s``. To understand the expected arguments for these apps, call ``python spark_apps/ -h`` or ``python spark_apps/ -h``. Setting up the spark-on-k8s-operator ------------------------------------ We will now cover how to serve these Spark apps using the `spark-on-k8s-operator `__. For all methods, we expect that you have installed Merlion from source by cloning our `git repo `__. Next, you need to create a Kubernetes cluster. For local development, we recommend `Minikube `__. However, you can also use Kubernetes clusters managed by major cloud providers, e.g. `Google's GKE `__ or `Amazon's EKS `__. Setting up these clusters is beyond the scope of this document, so we defer to the linked resources. Once your Kubernetes cluster is set up, you need to use `Helm `__ to install the ``spark-on-k8s-operator``. A full quick start guide for the operator can be found `here `__, but the key steps are to call .. code-block:: shell $ helm repo add spark-operator $ kubectl create namespace spark-apps $ helm install spark-operator spark-operator/spark-operator \ --namespace spark-operator --create-namespace --set sparkJobNamespace=spark-apps This will create a Kubernetes namespace ``spark-apps`` from which all your Spark applications will run, and it will use Helm to install the ``spark-on-k8s-operator`` (which manages all running PySpark apps as Kubernetes custom resources) in the namespace ``spark-operator``. Then, you can build the provided Dockerfile with ``docker build -t merlion-spark -f docker/spark-on-k8s/Dockerfile .`` from the root directory of Merlion. If you are using Minikube, make sure to point your shell to Minikube's Docker daemon with ``eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)`` before building the image. If you are working on the cloud, you will need to publish the built Docker image to the appropriate registry, e.g. `Google's `__ or `Amazon's ECR `__. If you require any additional Java dependencies (e.g. to communicate with a Google GCS bucket or AWS S3 bucket), we recommend you obtain the jars locally with a package manager like Maven, and add a line to the Dockerfile which copies those jars to a specific path, e.g. ``/opt/spark/extra-jars``. Then, you can update the ``spec.SparkConf`` block of your Spark app configuration (see below) as follows: .. code-block:: yaml spec: sparkConf: spark.driver.extraClassPath: "local:///opt/spark/extra-jars/*" spark.executor.extraClassPath: "local:///opt/spark/extra-jars/*" Specifying a Spark App ---------------------- Once your cluster is set up, you can submit a YAML file specifying your spark application as a Kubernetes custom resource. We provide templates for both forecasting and anomaly detection in ``k8s-spec/forecast.yml`` and ``k8s-spec/anomaly.yml`` respectively. Both of these use the ``walmart_mini.csv`` dataset, which contains the weekly sales of 10 different products at 2 different stores. You can change the Docker image used by changing the ``spec.image`` in the YAML file. You can modify the amount of computational resources allocated to the Spark driver and executor by modifying ``spec.driver`` and ``spec.executor`` respectively. The arguments to the main application file (``spark_apps/`` or ``spark_apps/``) are specified as a YAML list under ``spec.arguments``. These should be modified according to your use case. By adding the appropriate Java dependencies and modifying the ``spec.sparkConf``, you can directly read and write files on cloud storage buckets. While this topic is beyond the scope of this document, we refer an interested reader to `Spark's Hadoop config `__, `Hadoop's AWS S3 connector `__, and the `GCS connector `__ for more information. More detailed information about specifying a Spark application can be found in the ``spark-on-k8s-operator``'s detailed `API documentation `__. API Documentation ----------------- The API documentation of Merlion's PySpark connectors (``merlion.spark``) is below. .. automodule:: merlion.spark :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. autosummary:: dataset pandas_udf merlion.spark.dataset ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: merlion.spark.dataset :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: merlion.spark.pandas\_udf ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: merlion.spark.pandas_udf :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: